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@brii wrote:
Nunya, you said it all. Lol


cue the Twilight Zone music...holy

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Re: No free speech on forum

[ Edited ]

@sidsmom wrote:

@LTT1 wrote:


The deer munching popcorn I guess is meant to be rude?

When I first saw it, I thought it was for comic relief.

I kept it all of these years and would run across it in my pictures sometimes...

I did think it was cute and funny... 

I love the little springbok (deer)!!

She made an appearance today....on another active thread.  Cute. 

You might as well just tell people you think they are stupid as to post that. . . if you have something to say, say it or don't post. I really don't see any difference in the deer and calling people hens.  Both are sending your message aren't they? 

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@Drythe wrote:


Just a thought - every mediation I led or participated in started with


"Use only I statements"


as one of the first rules for participation.


Pretty clear why.

Worth repeating.  👍

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Re: No free speech on forum

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I have always loved the deer! I am unabashed about it. He's funny and brings some comic relief. I usually see it when a thread has run off the rails somehow, or it has become absurd or perhaps so repetitive it's beyond repair. He is not at all rude, more of a blank stare.




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Not my intent, but taken in context, you are probably right.

bye, bye little springbok


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Re: No free speech on forum

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OMG. The deer munching popcorn is NOT meant to connote an insult to any poster. The meaning is I'll bring the popcorn, you bring the refreshments, because this is going to be a wrangle (contentious thread). It's like pull up a seat and watch the fun - IN GENERAL. If someone feels it is aimed at them, they might want to consider WHY they think that.

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@LTT1, I was so happy to see the little popcorn munching deer yesterday! If there is one thing to be learned from the forums, it is that one tiny little thing seen by 10 posters is likely to be taken 10 different ways. I never, not once, took it as a slam. Obviously, some did. It's all perspective. And how much you are invested in a point of view. He made my day and put a smile smack dab in the middle of it. Woman Wink

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Regarding the debate thread last night.... some very ugly things were said about the candidates as a couple people just couldn't keep their mouth shut yet they are the first to request of everyone else during a debate for their party to keep it civil so the thread won't be shut down.  



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"Free speech" is a matter of public utterance.  In private and business venues, it is not necessarily allowed. 


I have been vexed at posts of mine removed, I don't know why, by moderators when other posts stay up forever.  So I understand the OP, but it has nothing to do with principles of free speech.  Leave the enclave of a private business and speak your mind, but we sign up with guidelines and we are bound by them.  I don't think the guidelines have much to do with anything except posters who push "inappropriate"  but QVC has published their rules and enforce them whenever they want to.


It is vexing to me sometimes also, but hardly dictatorial, as they are not forcing us to participate here.  We can "vote with our feet" if we get really fed up, which I did for almost 2 years after the H. Katrina posts that stayed up for days and days.

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you rang???