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I respectfully disagree with your post.  We have not lost our freedom of speech in this country at all.  What has happened is we've become more aware of issues that have been around for centuries and corrected some of them.  Just like yelling "FIRE" in a crowded movie theatre, we can no longer abide by old customs.





QVC has hired moderators for this forum not because they want to throw money around but because we need them.  It used to be a free for all until the threads were finally deleted.  


The coffee cup thread started getting personal and bowed out after dealing with a few visitors.


Most forum are moderated and some of those spun off from Viewpoints are moderated to the point of dictatorship, agree with the forum owner or else.


I like it here.Woman Happy

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Re: No free speech on forum

[ Edited ]

Wasn't it the current U.S. Supreme Court that ruled Money = Speech? 

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@151949 wrote:

@NUNYA wrote:

I think people are reporting posts if they disagree with someone. 

You can't have it both ways. If you want to talk about grown up things, quit reporting people. 


I say this, because I keep seeing statements from the mod about people flagging posts.



This is soooo true. there are several posters here who report anything that disagrees with their Point of view. Some mods then take them down and others only if they do , in fact, violate standards. Like any workplace , some of the moderators are lazier than others.



There are several here into name calling and pot stirring who turn in anyone who calls them on it.   A few are very adept at getting threads taken down when they don't like the direction... and it's sooooo obvious who they are because it happens too often for mere coincidence.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Unfortunately we're a bunch of opinionated and strong willed posters.    We can't even talk about simple subjects without getting heated.   


Politics just amplify the problem.   I've been on political boards and it can be pretty disguisting the way people talk to and about each other.

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@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

Announcement:  Freedom of speech is being lost in this country.  Period.


This board (as I've posted) has the right to decide what's put on it.  My complaint was when they want a post removed they should just delete it.  I said even then, it's the right of the board.  


I don't know what planet some of you are living on but in the past several years (now at rocket speed) we have lost the right to free speech.


Here's the thing.  You cannot make someone like or dislike something or someone.  That falls under other words (mostly intelligence).


If the OP wants to be able to discuss everything then he/she will have to go someplace other than here.  People come here (some do) because they feel like QVC will enforce the rules of this board.


I think in this country if you yell the loudest, people listen.  The majority no longer rules.  This board belongs to QVC, not the people.  Even I understand that.



You've included several issues in your post, but I have to respectfully disagree with you, @Annabellethecat66, regarding your statements that we have lost freedom of speech in this country.  Perhaps you could offer examples, but when I think of the suppression of free speech in other countries I truly see no such thing in the U.S.A.



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@151949 wrote:

@NUNYA wrote:

I think people are reporting posts if they disagree with someone. 

You can't have it both ways. If you want to talk about grown up things, quit reporting people. 


I say this, because I keep seeing statements from the mod about people flagging posts.



This is soooo true. there are several posters here who report anything that disagrees with their Point of view. Some mods then take them down and others only if they do , in fact, violate standards. Like any workplace , some of the moderators are lazier than others.


Since it sounds like you have inside information please share names with your sister/fellow posters so we can know too.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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@151949 wrote:

@NUNYA wrote:

I think people are reporting posts if they disagree with someone. 

You can't have it both ways. If you want to talk about grown up things, quit reporting people. 


I say this, because I keep seeing statements from the mod about people flagging posts.



This is soooo true. there are several posters here who report anything that disagrees with their Point of view. Some mods then take them down and others only if they do , in fact, violate standards. Like any workplace , some of the moderators are lazier than others.

Didn't you say you had a "friend" and all it took was a phone call to get things poofed?

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annabellethecat wrote:

Announcement:  Freedom of speech is being lost in this country.  Period.


This board (as I've posted) has the right to decide what's put on it.  My complaint was when they want a post removed they should just delete it.  I said even then, it's the right of the board.  


I don't know what planet some of you are living on but in the past several years (now at rocket speed) we have lost the right to free speech.


Here's the thing.  You cannot make someone like or dislike something or someone.  That falls under other words (mostly intelligence).


If the OP wants to be able to discuss everything then he/she will have to go someplace other than here.  People come here (some do) because they feel like QVC will enforce the rules of this board.


I think in this country if you yell the loudest, people listen.  The majority no longer rules.  This board belongs to QVC, not the people.  Even I understand that.




WHAT freedom of speech have we lost?  Examples, please.


And FYI:  There is NO law that the majority rules.  If it did, we would still have slavery.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Whenever the conversation includes a "You", 90% of the time the poster is being conversational, rude and/or unkind....and Moderators will code it that way.


Regarding the Starbucks thread, there were 3-4 hens 'pecking' at each other last night...and it started back up this morning.  Moderators need to know when this happens. 


Many upthread are overthinking it by talking about 'our rights' & 'Constitution'....when it's just a "Be Nice To Others" thing.   Either you understand that or you don't.   

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@151949 wrote:

@Venezia wrote:

@missy1 wrote:

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

@missy1 wrote:

Free speech doesn't exist.


It does. The problem is that most people don't actually understand the first amendment or what freedom of speech means.  


Sure one can use it, but may find LE/etc. at one's door.

Oh, please.  Try living in some other countries and then you'll know how much freedom we are really blessed with here.  Try not to let your imagination run away with you.


Many on thios board do not separate fact from opinions or fantasies.



I wasn't comparing what I wote to other countries. I agree many are still living in a fantasy world.  You can't say what you want. Keep believing that. (I am not talking about just threats etc.)