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News just said, Costco doesn't want you to eat their chicken or chicken salad.

The news just said that and people in 7 states have become sick. Just FYI.

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I saw that on the news last night.  ecoli.

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Re: News just said, Costco doesn't want you to eat their chicken or chicken salad.

Carton Code: 37719

Montana, Utah, California, Colorado, Missouri, Virginia, and Washington. 


Just chicken salad, not chicken.

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Re: News just said, Costco doesn't want you to eat their chicken or chicken salad.

Husband and I had sandwiches made from Costco rotisserie chicken yesterday for lunch.  We're still kickin' here in Wisconsin.

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Re: News just said, Costco doesn't want you to eat their chicken or chicken salad.

[ Edited ]

just finished a big plate full of  that darn chicken salad...BURP!   Awwww now I see a nice juicy law$uit in my future!

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Re: News just said, Costco doesn't want you to eat their chicken or chicken salad.

Thanks for the info.

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Re: News just said, Costco doesn't want you to eat their chicken or chicken salad.

This was just released by Raycom News:


(RNN) - Costco chicken salad is the culprit in a multistate E. coli outbreak, the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionannounced Tuesday.

Nineteen people in seven states have been infected with the outbreak strain, the CDC said. Five have been hospitalized and two developed a form of kidney failure. The affected states are: California, Washington, Montana, Utah, Colorado, Missouri and Virginia.

Epidemiologists said evidence suggests that rotisserie chicken salad sold in Costco Wholesale stores in several states probably caused the outbreak.

The company has removed all remaining rotisserie chicken salad from all Costco stores in the U.S. and stopped production.

Anybody who has bought the product from any Costco store in the U.S. before Nov. 20 should throw it away. Even if some of the chicken salad has been eaten and nobody got sick, throw it away.

The product has a typical three-day shelf life and is labeled “Chicken Salad made with Rotisserie Chicken” with item No. 37719 on the label.

Copyright 2015 Raycom News Network. All rights reserved. 

I have eaten this chicken salad in the past, but glad not recently!
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Re: News just said, Costco doesn't want you to eat their chicken or chicken salad.

husband buys this all the time.  he loves it.  not this time, though.

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Re: News just said, Costco doesn't want you to eat their chicken or chicken salad.

I will be interested to know what caused this if it is just the chicken salad and not the chicken.  I regularly purchase their rotisserie chicken but not the chicken salad because it comes in too large of a quantity for me to use fast enough. 

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Re: News just said, Costco doesn't want you to eat their chicken or chicken salad.

I heard on the news today that the strain of e.coli involved in this recall is especially serious as it can cause permanent kidney damage. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment