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@Mz iMac   It's so good to see you again.  Many of us have wondered where you've been.  Glad you are back posting and hope you are well.  Happy New Year to you!


@Magicrat   I went to bed at 10 on New Year's Eve and I could hear the fireworks going off repeatedly at that hour.  (We are across from a park and teens like to hang out there).  I don't know why they had to start so early, but I swear it lasted for hours.  


I'm very fortunate in that my dog doesn't care about fireworks or loud noises in general.  

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They did it here on NYE before it even got dark and then started again last night. To say I hate it would be an understatement. Whatever they were using sounded like bombs and I couldn't tell where exactly it was coming from. I even got in my car and drove around during the day to see if I saw anyone out. My pet becomes very stressed and I've been getting very little sleep.

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@Citrine1 wrote:

@Mz iMac   It's so good to see you again.  Many of us have wondered where you've been.  Glad you are back posting and hope you are well.  Happy New Year to you!


@Citrine1   Thank you.  Was helping my mother in celebrating her 100th year.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))

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It is very bad here where I live on any holiday. We're not sure where most of them come from. We're in a very wooded area so I'm somewhat scared.  The animals hide.

When we first moved in the guy out back setting off fireworks and my DH confronted him, and there was a big argument. We talked to the police, later, but they can't do anything cause it's going on all over town. Unfortunately, we don't speak to these neighbors, which is a sad thing.


New Year's Eve it sounded very nearby for  20 minutes of fireworks.  This also happens on the 4th.


I've just learned to give up and hope for the best.🤷🏻‍♀️

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It's illegal but doesn't stop anyone. We have those darn things going off ALL UEAR LONG.  SOME SHAKE OUR HOUSE.  Problem is, you can't locate house to turn them in. It always surprises me that people with the least money stockade these things. They aren't cheap either. I think many go buy in Mexico and bring back. We are in California so it's a quick trip from here to San Diego and into Mexico and back. They scare me half to death, I cannot imagine people with PTSD.  And the poor animals. The little birds that flock to my high hedges to sleep at night are terrorized, not to mention my cat and all the other animals. Our town starts in bad a few months before the 4the.  It continues all year on and off, and starts in New Years. 

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Yes, they shoot them off prior to the holiday and after for several days! Many are illegal ones that sound like bombs. I dread it every January and July because it happens for hours on end.

This year I turned on exhaust fans as well as all of our sound machines to try to help drown out the loud explosions so that our poor dogs wouldn't be so terrified.