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Re: Need suggestions for getting rid of fleas in cats

Please leave the kitties inside!

They are young and will get used to it.

They will live longer and healthier lives for it!


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Re: Need suggestions for getting rid of fleas in cats

I sincerely doubt a shelter would ever give two cats to people who will let them outside! The OP must have omitted that bit of information when going through the adoption process. Keep your cats IN!!

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Need suggestions for getting rid of fleas in cats

On 3/23/2015 ID2 said:

I sincerely doubt a shelter would ever give two cats to people who will let them outside! The OP must have omitted that bit of information when going through the adoption process. Keep yo ur cats IN!!

Exactly!! Domestic cats should never be "outside" cats. It's extremely dangerous for them not to mention the damage they do to local wildlife. Please don't let them out,they will live longer,healthier lives.
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Re: Need suggestions for getting rid of fleas in cats

On 3/23/2015 ID2 said:

I sincerely doubt a shelter would ever give two cats to people who will let them outside! The OP must have omitted that bit of information when going through the adoption process. Keep your cats IN!!

In certain circumstances they will. My local Humane Society is very honest about a cat's background and they will tell you that the kitty has lived a lifetime as an indoor/outdoor cat and that it would be in its best interests to keep it that way.

Most outdoor kitties can make the adjustment indoors, but there are some that just cannot. They will literally shred your house if you try to keep them inside. If the Humane Society evaluates them and determines that the kitty would be better off as an indoor/outdoor cat, they will let you know.

"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James
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Re: Need suggestions for getting rid of fleas in cats

I agree with the posters who suggest keeping your cats indoors. Being outside exposes your cats to so, so many dangers. They are at risk of being hit by cars, becoming prey to other animals, and sad to say, they are also at risk for being hurt, injured or worse but sick, twisted humans. They are also exposed to many diseases even with vaccinations.

When I adopted my cats from the local rescue society they said that they wanted them to be indoor cats and did not want them declawed. I had no problem with either request. I would NEVER think of letting my cats outside and certainly would NEVER have the cruel, inhumane, disgusting procedure of de-clawing performed on a helpless, defenseless animal that looks to me for protection.

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Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: Need suggestions for getting rid of fleas in cats

We had a cat for eighteen years who was mostly indoors. But he loved to sit on the patio outside. Just because the op said they would be outside doesnt mean she was going to let them roam. When we let majic out he stayed in the yard and we watched him.