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All clothes.ive kept darling Jammies from cuddle duds,Lisa Mason ring,and knock off uggs sherpa come i dont have issues with amazon,and hsn?didn't write on this to get bashed ppl.

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@Luvsmyfam wrote:

Wow,got a nasty snotty letter from the states my account will be terminated if I continue to send items back.states ive only kept 35 percent of items.i called imediately and gave them a earful.of course no swearing,just sarcastic as they were to me happened to anyone else?

@Luvsmyfam They have done that for years - it's nothing new.  Years ago when I ordered at lot more than I do now, I was sure I was going to get one of those letters since I sent back a lot of stuff.

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Nothing nasty about it. You're abusing the system. 

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Yes, if the # of returns exceeds a certain percentage of what you order, you get this letter.


If the percentage of returns continues, your account with QVC is terminated and you can't shop here at all, even with cash.


Excessive returns cost them money, which in turns costs all other QVC shoppers money by way of price increases.


I'm not saying your returns weren't justified, just explaining QVC's position as it was explained to me many years ago when I received 'the letter'.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Re: Nasty letter

[ Edited ]

my perspective


sometimes it's just better to donate an item than return


I don't want to be banned from ordering. So unless it's a huge item I just donate it.



when it's good. it's good   

when it mediocre I donate 

when it's expensive and awful  it's a refund


I agree so

per @homedecor1   adding:

The costs for s/h & return gfees outweigh the cost of the item🤬

($11+ total to try on something or doesn't meet my standards adds up -- not to say if on ez maybe I owe them🙄😡)




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Would u keep a item that smelled like purfume?nope not me.and by the way new mexico,Mexico, many items have u returned?and yes,i always read reviews on items and look at size chart

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How can it be abusing the system when the QVC hosts repeatedly Tell us on air that if something doesn’t fit or we don’t like it, to send it back within 30 days. So then it becomes untruthful if a person is penalized for doing so.
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Re: Nasty letter

[ Edited ]

@Luvsmyfam No one is bashing you. You're ticked off because you got NO sympathy.


You need to shop elsewhere. If you returned 35% of your purchases to HSN I'm betting you'd get a letter from them too.


And being nasty to a CS person shows exactly what type of person you are. Please do go elsewhere to shop. Thought you were clever -- wrong.


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Registered: ‎11-26-2019

Thank u Katie seems i am getting beat up in here.yikes!

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Registered: ‎11-26-2019

Thank u wonderwoman.i whole heartily agree.they say that constant.especially during the holidays.this was when I made the most purchases