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NJ Mail Carrier Attacked and Robbed Of Keys



NJ Postal Worker Attacked on 2nd Day on Job

Published May 30, 2023


New Jersey


It wasn't a dog, but instead was two masked muggers who chased a New Jersey mail carrier through a neighborhood, knocking him to the ground and shaking him in the span of 30 seconds — all because they were after something in particular.


A home camera not only captured the screams for HELP from the incident on Walnut Avenue in Millburn on May 13, but also showed the pair of suspected thieves roughing up the mailman.


The letter carrier repeatedly called for his iPhone to call 911 as the duo swiped a set of keys, he said.


The attack went down outside of Lenny Weiland's home, with the mailman telling him that the robbers had been following him along his route.


"They were watching. They knew exactly what he was doing. As a matter of fact, the postal worker who was attacked, it was his second day on the job," said Weiland.


The US Postal Inspection Service will only say it is investigating the attack. While on the phone with a 911 dispatcher, the mailman said the suspects stole his keys — including one that’s used to open mailboxes in apartment buildings.


Weiland later watched video of the attack, and believes the suspects hid between a dumpster and storage unit.


"So the first approach, attack happened here. And then they went around as you saw in the video," said Weiland.


Police still looking for the suspects last seen wearing masks and hoodies. Weiland meanwhile hopes that going public with the video will help cops make an arrest.


"I am keeping an eye on the neighborhood. I’m that kind of person. I want to make sure everyone is safe," said Weiland.

Video showed the suspected robbers run to a get away car, possibly a silver Mercedes-Benz.


The postal worker suffered minor injuries. Both Millburn police and the Postal Inspection Service continue to investigate.



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Posts: 5,168
Registered: ‎10-04-2015

Re: NJ Mail Carrier Attacked and Robbed Of Keys

Caught on a home video camera - A postal worker in Millburn, New Jersey, was pushed to the ground while working in the middle of the afternoon on May 13.


Postal worker attacked, robbed while on the job in Millburn, N.J. - CBS New  York


Millburn postal worker assaulted, robbed of postal keys - ABC7 New York


Postal worker attacked, robbed while on the job in Millburn, N.J. - CBS New  York


NJ Postal Worker Attacked in Millburn – NBC New York



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Posts: 34,833
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: NJ Mail Carrier Attacked and Robbed Of Keys

That's awful.  It has happened a number of times in the metro area where I live.  Our mail carrier said those keys open all the blue boxes.


If you need something you mail safe, take it to the post office or hand it directly to your carrier.  Don't drop it in a blue outside box.  Someone may have the key.  And if you do, drop it during the day in working hours at the post office site if possible. 


Those folks should go to federal prison for a very very long time when caught!

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Re: NJ Mail Carrier Attacked and Robbed Of Keys

There are probably many checks delivered in the mail around the first of the month.  What a heinous crime.

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Re: NJ Mail Carrier Attacked and Robbed Of Keys

Its not unique and no longer surprising.  The thrives want the Keyes to the mailboxes.  

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Re: NJ Mail Carrier Attacked and Robbed Of Keys

How scary for this new mailman. Hope these thieves see prison. Millburn is an affluent town, I'm surprised it happened here, but it seems to be happening all over lately.

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Re: NJ Mail Carrier Attacked and Robbed Of Keys

You can't even leave anything in your own mailbox for the carrier to take.  Theives are driving by and stealing it too.


Our mailbox is attached to the house so someone would have to walk up to take it but I won't put anything out anymore.  I really don't have a lot of outgoing mail,  an occasional medical bill or greeting card with a dollar in it for little great nephew and niece but I take it down to the post office.

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Re: NJ Mail Carrier Attacked and Robbed Of Keys

How miserable and disgusting. As a society we really seem lost at sea. 
I keep hoping karma will get these animals.

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Re: NJ Mail Carrier Attacked and Robbed Of Keys

I am so glad there are cameras everywhere to help catch the people committing crimes.


We don't know when a camera may help us one day.



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Registered: ‎05-31-2022

Re: NJ Mail Carrier Attacked and Robbed Of Keys

our post office has now changed the blue boxes outide where you could just drive up and drop in a letter,etc. There was too much theft so they put a metal door on it with a handle to be able to open the slot for lmail. Now I have to get out of the car and grab the handle, which is heavy, before I can put in the letter. Total pain in the much for convenience. Now if the keys are stolen even this new design won't help.

My grandmother used to put her outgoing mail and cash to cover the postage in her mailbox...her mailman would sit there and put stamp on each piece. Those days are long gone.