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My car was broken into this weekend....

while I was at the gym.  Yes, they stole my purse.  Really upset about it.  They tried to use my card at a pizza place, but it was declined as I had already called the bank.  I saw video of them, but didn't recognize them.  Interestingly enough, they drive the exact same car as me.  My son says my car is easy to break into and steal, but driving the same car, I'm sure they practiced.  My question is this.  Do any of you use a wheel lock?  Are they worth it?  I don't mean the money because they are rather cheap, but do they really work?  I stopped using my alarm as sometimes it doesn't connect to the sensor.  I will start using it again.  Any tips for keeping my car safe?  Thanks for any help you can give. 

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Re: My car was broken into this weekend....

Sorry to hear about your experience.  I had a Honda Prelude many years ago.  I lived in an apartment complex and used a steering wheel lock.  I went to go to work one day and as I was walking to the car, I realized something was wrong - they took my steering wheel (with the lock on it!).  The dealership said what they were trying to do was drive it by using plyers, but because my car was parked next to a wall, they couldn't get it out of the parking spot.  Basically, if they want to steal your car, they will find a way.  My big suggestion to you (and my friend that does this all the time) is don't leave your purse in your car - you're just asking for a breakin. 

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Re: My car was broken into this weekend....

Oh wow, that's a shame.  Now you have to replace everything in your purse which is a major headache. 


I don't have any suggestions for car safety.  When I go to the gym I try to park in a busy section of the parking lot and I only take my wallet which I keep in the center compartment out of view.  I always keep my doors locked even at home.


But, if they want to break in they will.

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Re: My car was broken into this weekend....

[ Edited ]
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Re: My car was broken into this weekend....

I think you can get a kill switch installed. Those steering wheel locks are useless. 

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Re: My car was broken into this weekend....

shaunac, sorry this has happened to you!


first suggestion......NEVER keep your purse in your car. it really isnt a good idea.

second suggestion.....go to a local car audio specialist to see if they can install an alarm system for your car. sometimes they can be inexpensive yet effective.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: My car was broken into this weekend....

@Daisy wrote:

Oh, no! Sorry this happened to you. I can just imagine your panic. It's not just about the credit cards, but everything else in it and the purse itself.


I try to avoid leaving my purse in the car, but here have a been a few times when I left it on the floor, but hidden underneath a bag or jacket. The same with putting it in the trunk...but then I'd worry if someone saw me put it there.


When I'm going to the mall or someplace where I'm just taking my wallet with me and leaving my purse in the car, I put the purse in the trunk at home, not at the place I'm going shopping.  That way no one will see you do it.

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Re: My car was broken into this weekend....

Yes, I was thinking the same thing too.  If they really want to steal your car, they will.  I just thought seeing a wheel lock might deter them and they might move on. I'm afraid they will come back and try to break into my car again.  There won't be any valuables in it, but I'm afraid they will try to steal it. 


I never put my purse in my trunk while in public, always at home so no one will see.  I think it is common for people to leave their valuables in their car while at the gym.  I shouldn't have done so, but really hate to have to change my habits to accommodate thieves.  But will now.  I bought a backpack and will carry my purse in it into the gym.  I don't trust the lockers there. 

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Re: My car was broken into this weekend....

I don't understand why you don't still use your alarm.  ?  Even if it worked half the time, at least that would cut your chances in half.


You say 'sometimes' it doesn't connect to the sensor.   Get that fixed.


I know it must be awful that the lowlifes got into your car and stole from you.  Get that alarm fixed.  At least you can blast them with your horn. 



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Re: My car was broken into this weekend....

Does not matter if you have a car alarm or anything else. If someone wants to break in your car it's as easy as breaking your window. I'm sorry your purse was stolen but why would you leave it in your car? You won't see anything worth stealing if you look inside my car. I don't keep anything in sight that I don't want stolen. If I was to leave my purse in my car it would be in the trunk. I do that all the time when we travel & stop to eat. I don't want to carry my purse, iPad etc so all those things go in the trunk. We also try to sit some place in the restaurant where we can watch our car while eating.