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schwans home delivery tater tots or cheesy tots. 2.5 pound bags.


schwans tator tots.jpg



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@Spurt wrote:

@KingstonsMom wrote:

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

Your post header got me excited. I immediately thought that Walmart was maybe not allowing small children in the store.....




LOL! That's exactly what I thought!

@KingstonsMom  @Goldengate8361 


Great minds think a like.....I thought the same thing too....😄


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My Whole Foods is usually hashless.Woman Sad


I can only find Cascadian Farms Root Vegetable Hashbrowns on occassion there.


I still have some packages in my freezer, but am using them sparingly--as in not sharing w/DH.Woman Embarassed



Posts: 51
Registered: ‎03-18-2010

LOL Goldengate, I thought the same thing. I was putting on my shoes to go shopping, but took them off when I discovered it was tater tots. 

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Re: My Walmart is totless.

[ Edited ]

I haven't been able to find no-salt canned tomatoes at Kroger or WM for quite a while. I always stock up on them in the fall for chili and soup...I think I will stop doing Kroger pickup any more since they were out of half my list and no substitutions either. With different things being out of stock now I will just go inside and look for alternatives if they still don’t have them. Kroger has not had any frozen potatoes of any kind since early April, but lots of fresh ones.  They must have been on the same truck as the Clorox wipes since they all disappeared at the same time. 

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Well, I clicked on this to see if they were out of tote bags

or lost toddlers.  Boy, did I feel silly when I read the post.


Don't like tater tots so I'll move on.  😏

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So I haven't been to Walmart since even before the pandemic, probably like a year or so. I have been wanting to go for awhile and finally went this morning. First of all there is only one entrance in and one exit out of the store. It's like breaking into Fort Knox, things are roped off. Every time I go they don't have half of what I want, It's crowded, people are rude, I'm thinking what am I doing here? I had only three items in my cart ( nothing I desperately needed), I put them back and walked out. I much prefer Target. Also the parking lot is a horror, there is a Home Depot that shares the lot, you have to be really careful getting in and getting out. I always say I'm not going to Walmart, this time I mean it.

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I can't lie, I love tater tots occasionally, but not so much in casseroles, just baked in the oven and eat w/salt & pepper.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Would not bother me at all as I don't like them so do not buy.

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When I was at my local Walmart a couple of days ago, they had plenty of frozen Or-Ida Tater Tots & also Crispy Crowns & other assorted types of fries