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Re: My Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

They were truly international buildings. About 1/3 of the dead were not American citizens.

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Re: My Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

[ Edited ]

A memory no one on this life's earth anyone could ever forget.


I am a native New Yorker, lived here on Long Island my whole life.  On the morning of Monday, Sept 10th we received a very early call that my ailing father-in-law residing in Pennsylvania was not going to make it through the night.  Our quick decision was to make every effort to get to see him, planned accordingly securing my two children, 10 and 8 at the time, with one of my sisters and threw ourselves in the car.  As we were sitting in traffic on the BQE we got the call that he had passed.  Another quick decision - do we stay or do we go?  Chose to go only because we'd have to be heading there in another day or so for services. 

Fast forward to the following morning in West Chester PA's Sheraton.  During my morning workout watched Matt Lauer report the first plane hitting the first tower and the rest is history...

For those of you living in the immediate vicinity of this epic tragedy, aside from airports you will recall that all major arteries were shut down, phones were not operating, land lines as well as cell service - the whole northeast was in a sort of dead zone.  This lasted for about 48-72 hours.  Finally, my sister-in-law back in New York got through on my husband's cell phone.  She was able to briefly speak with us and we were able to ask if all near to us back home were safe and ok.  Told her to please go to our kids and HUG THEM FOR US!!!  Never did I ever feel so frustrated being cut off from my family and especially my babies, but what was one to do?  

I was equally saddened for my dear mother-in-law who had just lost her husband and best friend and didn't know HOW to navigate all this.  I held her as close as possible to get her through.  

This day will forever be emblazend in my memory.  God Bless.

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Re: My Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

I reflect on this day that changed so much for all of us every year and I can hardly forget since I work about a mile and a half from the site and watched everything unfold not knowing nor could I have imagined this was happening here since my company lost our phone lines and no one's cellphone would work once the towers collasped and before that hearing the screams, seeing people jumping and those already out on the street running and walking away from what was happening.  My coworkers and I did not even realize it was a plane until we were safely home and saw the news it happened so fast.


I was in one of the towers a month or two prior to the attacks for a meeting no less.


I reflect every year that the weather that morning was a beautiful sunny day almost too nice to go to work as it has been if I recall every year on 9/11. Today is yet another beautiful day but the attack is as clear as day and haunting as it is every day I come to work.  I have not been able to go to the WTC site since it happened and I'm not sure I ever will be able to.


We can not forget no matter where you live because we will never be the same.

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Re: My Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

I was a few days away from having my first child. I was at my doctors

appointment when we first got news about what was unfolding. The

doctor even came out to the television in the waiting room.


I was so looking forward to bringing a new life into the world when

so many lives were lost that day. Many tears, bittersweet.



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Re: My Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

On that day in h..ell i were getting our son off to school..a neighbor cam over and told us to turn on the tv.We were in dh was at work and my son went off to school.

i wandered around outside as I felt too upset to do anything at home.I was not the only one out andmany  people were gathered waving flags and passing cars were honking horns.I began to walk with a group of other stunned and shocked people that I have never met.We were just united at that moment and I really felt the love of country from all of their hearts.We ended up at a ladies home for coffee.She said that it was time we all came together and opened our hearts and homes to understanding.In that moment I knew that Americans will stand together and continue to be strong and nothing can change that and I felt such a sense of pride and honor to be living in this country with these people.

We had just moved to USA two months before.I believe America is the greatest country and nothing can change that.

I will never forget to honor those who never made it home that day and will continue to pray for their families to find peace.

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Re: My Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

My thoughts? We haven't learned much since that day.

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. ~ Desmond Tutu
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Re: My Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

I remember like it was yesterday:  I was supposed to take my grandmother to a doctor's appointment.  She phoned and told me somebody blew up the Pentagon.  Beyond frightening.

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Re: My Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

The town in NJ where I am from is on the water across from NY. It has a few ferry commuter boats people from the shore use to commute to Manhattan. On that day people that needed to get back to NJ got on the ferry as busses and trains were halted or stopped. 


Many didn’t know where they were going or how they would get home, but they at least would be across the water in their own state.


When the ferries came in, people from the area loaded up their cars with the commuters who needed to get to North Jersey and just home from where they landed. It was many many cars and drivers from the area who did this. Each ferry holds 400 people and some just jumped on to get out of the city. Thanks to the locals, everyone got home no matter where they lived.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: My Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

[ Edited ]

Heartfelt thoughts to our American friends.  LM



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Registered: ‎05-06-2016

Re: My Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

I was a receptionist at a nursing home and at work that day. One of the nursing aides came by and told me a plane hit the World Trade Center. I immediately suspected terrorism, and as news of another plane hitting the other tower, along with the Pentagon, and the plane going down in PA, it was all but confirmed. The phones rang non-stop after that, and I think we even went on lockdown because nobody knew if there was going to be another attack, and with the nursing home not far from a military base, it was better to be safe than sorry.


Also, my grandfather's heart bypass surgery was scheduled for that day but was moved to Sept. 25th because many area surgeons were heading to the attack sites to provide treatment.


9/11 really gave America a huge wakeup call about national safety and security. We were a sleeping giant thinking we were invincible.