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My Shopping trip experience after three weeks at home....

Went to Fred stock up. About  10AM.  Not too busy. I would say maybe half the people shopping had masks... that includes employees. Rather disappointing to me🙁. especially that employees were not all wearing masks!


I found everything I wanted or needed.  The cleaner/ disinfectant aisle was bare....the paper aisle  was bare too. Luckily I did  not need those items today.  


There was NO self distancing that I could see....people just shopping like it was BP(before pandemic).  it really is hard to self distance while shopping. Almost impossible.


I scored two large  packages of  skinless boneless chicken breasts. Still $1.99 a pound.  They go into the freezer. The meat shelves had meat...plenty of chicken...and  a good variety of beef.  Will see how long that continues.....


plenty of fresh vegetables. And dairy too. 

I wore my mask... For others..... even  for the rude sellfish people who would not respect ME And wear a mask🤬


I used my disinfectant to spray and wipe everything down, clean my hands...


Came home and cleaned everything again...inside car etc.


Now I self quarantine....2 to 12 days.... looking for symptoms....the worse part of leaving the house...WORRY.


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Re: My Shopping trip experience after three weeks at home....

just came home, and wanted to relate my experience.  similar to @SeaMaiden .

as i was preparing to go in, while in the car, i noticed that MOST did not have a mask.  started in the produce isle, and was horrified to see mom, adult daughter, and small baby (3 months?) shopping produce.  DD has baby in arms, and is touching every zucchini within arms reach.  why would you take your baby into the store when you don't have to???  I know she was shopping with (looked like her mom) so couldn't one of them stayed in the car with the baby??  

NO ONE was distancing, several parents brought the whole gang out.  parents with 3 children, and one in the oven comes to mind. 

in the past when i have shopped there, i have always gone at "off hours" late in the evening. 

no more mid-day shopping for me.

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Re: My Shopping trip experience after three weeks at home....

I honestly think that ever since people heard that states were going to start "opening up" that they just think, "OK, back to doing exactly what I want and may as well start now since we're opening up in a week (or 2 or 3) anyway!"



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Re: My Shopping trip experience after three weeks at home....

What can one say? Were those people forgetful, ignorant, spiteful? Regardless of the reason, it is important to pay attention to those problems and those people who do not fit our specific categories.

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Re: My Shopping trip experience after three weeks at home....

My guess is you saw an accurate representation of the whole country in your grocery store visit. Some cooperate fully, others do a few important things and others don't take it seriously.  Our state hasn't opened and masks are not mandatory. 

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Re: My Shopping trip experience after three weeks at home....

It's mandatory here to wear masks.  Went to a smaller grocery store today because I like their selection of meat.  They normally have 2 entrances (they are also selling plants and flowers). So I'm in line and they were restricting the amount of customers in. As I'm waiting, a man walks from the other direction (where the other entrance is normally) and walks right in.  The security officer said to him, where are you going? He said in the store, he said to him, where sir this is the line. The man ignored him and went right in.  The security guard apologized to me and proceeded to reprimand the person at the other end.  It was only a few minutes before I was allowed into the store.  Everyone had a mask, even the butcher and the deli workers.  


Got what I needed.  I can't stand wearing the masks, no matter what I do my glasses fog up. So as soon as I'm a safe distance away and close to my car, off it comes.  


The store had plenty of stock, including paper products. I did notice, however, that the prices were a bit higher than normal.  


Went also to the hardware store because I needed some terro ant traps. Same thing there, but the price gauging there is noticeable. For a 20 piece box of contractor bags, they wanted almost $20.00.  They're normally $10.  Didn't need them.  Same thing with the mask ... off as soon as I got close to my car. 


Just found out today a friend of mine who has been in a nursing rehab center for 2 months now has Covid.  First tested positive, then negative then positive again. Problem is that here in NYS if the NH can accommodate them and they don't need to be on a ventilator, they take them back.  I'm pretty sure a lot of it has to be what the NH is getting in reimbursements from the government. 



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Re: My Shopping trip experience after three weeks at home....

I am in New York. Neighbors are inviting loud guests congregating on the lawn. Car pulled up and out came a family. No masks. Then construction everywhere. The neighbors decided home additions with 5 or 6 construction workers with no masks is just fine. We were warned construction is prohibited until further notice. I guess they are "special. "

My husband went to the supermarket and found exactly what you did @SeaMaiden . Oh, and the ice rink parking lot was full of kids playing with no masks and no social distancing. Parents were masks.

I give up. People do what they want to do and nobody is going to influence or change their mind.

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Re: My Shopping trip experience after three weeks at home....

 I shopped Aldi Sr early. I was 8:45 getting there , they open at 8:30 and give you a hastily wiped cart. I carry a wipe and do the cart inside also. Everyone had masks.
  The line to go inside was gone and people had moved from the first aisle except a few couples who stood in the middle of the aisle discussing items. I wait patiently, they don't get the hint!  Aisles are narrow but have arrows. 
Everywhere in stores you have to watch distance even with employees. People forget and don't pay attention.

   They had beautiful vegetables, asparagus $1.99. Strawberries $1.29. I get their lunch meat and grilled chicken. Got my Moser Roth chocolate and flavored tea and water. Blinking owl wine is good. 
   They have a limited meat counter. Some is prepackaged. I didn't need any, I usually do frozen. They did have hamburger & chicken limit one. They had their brand of T P & Tissue. Limit one. 
   I got a frozen Pizza, better than most restaurants! Their orange juice, frozen foods etc. 

   I wiped it all in garage at my disinfecting station, stored frozen and cold.  Sprayed and cleaned car. Ran for my shower and washed hair, washed all clothes. 
   Then walked dogs a third time & cleaned house. 😜🤪

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Re: My Shopping trip experience after three weeks at home....

 I shop at Safeway once a week, twice if I forget something. There's F. Meyers here but don't care for it.


Last time I shopped about 95% of everyone in the store had a face covering of some kind. *Most* were distancing in the aisles and there are huge red markers on the floor with white footprints spaced out in the checkout lines and everyone is obeying them.


I don't feel it's necessary to wipe down everything after shopping and it seems the CDC and other medics have shown that the virus isn't carried on most things.

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Re: My Shopping trip experience after three weeks at home....

I can't imagine living in a hot spot and not taking this any more serious than it appears some are doing. I'm taking it serious, and we have had less than 50 reported cases in our county.