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Posts: 216
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

My Poor Grandfather Had To Spend Christmas In The Hospital=(

He arrived from out of state Thursday. He was fine and ate dinner with us. He was sitting at the table with my dad nodding on and off. I told him to go to bed he didnt want to. I went into the den for a little while and then I go into kitchen where I see my Dad helping him to the bathroom and thats NOT a good sign. I see his nose running like crazy and he looked SO pale. I mean to tell you the truth I was waiting for him to pass out. He also had the chills. We thought he was just exhausted because he was up at 4 in the morning from going to bed at 11-11:30 the night before, and then he did a lot of cemeterys. He slept until 4:30 on Friday. He woke up Christmas Eve feeling really good. Now I had to go work. I get home Saturday night I hear the same thing happened again. His nose was running, he had the chills, and everyone put him right to bed. So Sunday he was STILL sleeping at 10:30. This is somebody thats up at 6-7, showers and then goes out for the day and he's 95. My parents woke him up, he still wasnt feeling good and they took him to the hospital. I ended up going to my brothers to see my niece since I didnt get to see her the day before, and then I went to my Aunts house. We ate dinner and then my Aunt went to go relieve my parents so they came back to my Aunts house to eat dinner. They kept him over night and he was released today. They were thinking gall stone but they couldnt really find anything so who knows what it is. I felt terrible all day though.