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Re: My High School Reunion 9/20/2024



That's so nice that you decided to go and had a good time!  A few years ago DH and I went to our first one.  It was o.k.  There were not as many classmates there as I would have thought.  One was enough for me!  It's too bad that none of your classmates attended but you still had an enjoyable time.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: My High School Reunion 9/20/2024

I went to my 10-year reunion in 1983. Never again! Only 1 or 2 of the few people I considered friends attended. The class president was still an idiot. My graduating class had about 325 people. High school was not a happy time for me, other than meeting my now DH. 


There's a multi-class reunion coming up--I wouldn't attend if they paid me!

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Re: My High School Reunion 9/20/2024

I graduated high school 36 years ago.  My high school years were very difficult for me away from school because of my mom's abuse.  I've never been to a reunion and have no plans to ever go. 

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Re: My High School Reunion 9/20/2024

Our 50 class reunion is coming up in November. My husband and I will be going. I have attended 3 class reunions so far. The last one (20th) was sparsely attended by my classmates. Enjoyed high school very much. Sports, clubs, boys and friends, we were a small school. About 112 graduates in my class. Looking forward to seeing classmates I haven’t seen in a while. This will be the last reunion for us.
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Re: My High School Reunion 9/20/2024

I graduated in a small town with a small high school.  I've been to a few over the years, the most recent being 2017, even though I graduated in 1978 it was for our 40th but they always combine 3 years of graduates so the class of 76,77,and 78 celebrate together.

It was nice and we had a good time when we attended but I think I'm done, really don't have much in common with them anymore and there's always the people you don't want to see, LOL!   I still hang around with my best friend from high school and that's about it so I no longer am interested in catching up with other people's lives.   I'm more interested in my own.  

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Re: My High School Reunion 9/20/2024

@DrakesMomma wrote:

I graduated high school 36 years ago.  My high school years were very difficult for me away from school because of my mom's abuse.  I've never been to a reunion and have no plans to ever go. 

I'm so sorry you went through that @DrakesMomma .

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Re: My High School Reunion 9/20/2024

Attended my 20th.  enjoyed every minute. it was a 3 day event, only attended the dinner cruise on the local river.    No partner at that time so attended alone and arrived in the parking lot to find some classmates parked ther too. they called me over 


was pleasantly surprised.  they were the cheerleaders and jocks in HS - I was NOT part of the "In"crowd...hung out with ahemm  cough cough another type of "artsy" group. 


We had a couple beers and laughs before heading to the riverboat.  All of us a bit anxious.  Cocktails, dinner...had the absolute best time!  everyone was so down-to-earth and freindly. TBH the years melted away.  had to wonder why we all stuck in dumb  little cliques as teens.   Some of us ended the evening at a nearby lounge, singing Karoke.  Great memories!

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Re: My High School Reunion 9/20/2024

[ Edited ]

Graduated from a very large high school in 1966. My husband graduated from another equally large HS (in the same city) in 1964. We've been to several (5-6) reunions from my HS, but only one of his. I thought both were fun, but agreed my HS put on much nicer and friendlier reunions. Most were for the entire weekend and included golfing (great courses here), tours of the HS, state Capitol and some favorite museums (the Car Museum and Telegraph Bldg. were big hits), city parks (with catered lunches), jazz bars, piano bars, and great restaurants. We've done dance competitions and had games, as well. Smiley Very Happy Smiley Embarassed Smiley LOL
We were both active in our own classes and have continued with some HS classmate friendships through the years, but it was so nice to visit with those we had lost track of. So many had taken interesting paths and were living fascinating lives in far-away parts of the world! Most were still living with their mid-America ethics and moderately liberal attitudes.

Sure there were a few who had become either very conservative or very liberal, but the majority were basically the same people who had gone on to school, contributed to their communities, raised healthy & independent children, and traveled various parts of the world. We seem to agree on donating to help others, recycling, purchasing natural fabrics and daily exercise, and healthy natural foods! 
May seem surprising since we were all City kids who had never lived in a rural setting! (Although a number of them chose to live in smaller communities to raise their children/grandchildren - some in surrounding towns; others far away due to jobs, marriage or military.)

My reunion committee ran out of money in 2016, which was our last reunion. It was not well attended due to so many deaths of parents (who  have provided a place for them to stay throughout the years), deaths of classmates, or the ability to secure a hotel/motel for the weekend with all the activities which go on in a City with several Universities and Colleges. My four closest friends have always stayed here, but those people who didn't RSVP quickly were left without a place or car rental. Since we graduated, the City has grown far more than many realized. It was their loss, as well as ours who live here. 
It's painful to read the comments from those who were so unhappy in HS. I'm glad you've found a nitche in this world and happiness in your lives as an adult.

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Re: My High School Reunion 9/20/2024

[ Edited ]

I graduated in 1968 from a small all girls Catholic high school. I believe that we had only 52 in our class. I went to the 10 year, 20 year and 50 year reunions. Just us "girls", no husbands, boyfriends or partners. We always have a great time catching up with each other. Sadly we have lost about 7 class members. We always gather and sing the alma  mater and it seems like we are back in high school. I don't know if there will be any more reunions. We are all mid 70's now. 

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Re: My High School Reunion 9/20/2024

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

@DrakesMomma wrote:

I graduated high school 36 years ago.  My high school years were very difficult for me away from school because of my mom's abuse.  I've never been to a reunion and have no plans to ever go. 

I'm so sorry you went through that @DrakesMomma .

Thank you@San Antonio Gal