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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

Awww geez, I loved Mr. Ed.  

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

I remember Mr. Ed too, it's still on on some cable channel, don't know which one, DH was watching it a few weeks ago and it was the one with Clint Eastwood.  Forgot how good looking Clint Eastwood was in his younger days.  I remember him from Rawhide too, it's on one of those cable channels too.  Yes, those shows were corny but I was a kid and I loved them! RIP Alan Young

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

@qualitygal wrote:

That's so sad. I feel like more and more of the good things of my youth are being chipped away and gone!  He always seemed like such a nice person.

@qualitygal  That's what happens with the passage of time - like 50 years!


There are several oldies TV stations now.  I know at least for a while not too long ago MeTV was running Mr. Ed.  I have also seen My Mother the Car (well ten minutes of it until I couldn't believe how absurd it was and that I always watched it as a kid!) on one of those oldies stations.   In black and white of course! Smiley Happy

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96


I agree, darn that time, we need new watches.

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

I think Mr Ed still comes on weekday mornings very early on Antenna TV. Remember Alan Young also from the move, The Time Machine, by HG Wells in 1960.

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

I always liked to think that it was really Mr. Ed that owned Wilber.

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

I wonder what kind of life mr.ed had,after the show ended,and what was his real name?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

May he rest in peace. I used to watch Mr Ed all the time, and Flipper, and Lassie. Everytime one of these famous people die from tv, the music industry, etc I feel like a part of my childhood died.

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

Still watch the show on Antenna  ...


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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

[ Edited ]

I agree with you, Pearley, that it was kind of dumb.  But it drew me in for some reason.  I always liked Alan Young and it seemed like after watching the show for a while it was almost like the horse really was talking!  


No, I'm not as gullible as that sounds, but the man's voice seemed to be perfect.   As I recall, the name of the man who did Mr Ed's voice was named Allen  but I cannot remember his last name.  He was a big star, in years way before this show, with western movies.


At one point, last year I believe, I started watching Mr Ed and kept a Season Pass from the first episode through the end of the series, before dropping it.  I wanted to see them all and see how it ended.  As I recall, it really didn't 'end', per se.


The original next door neighbor guy (of course, I can't remember his name either - sorry) was really good, as was his wife.  At one point, however, he became sick (he died not long thereafter), and that was when he left the show and Wilbur's c.o.  from the service bought the house.  I really missed the first guy and his wife!


I was watching Doogie Howser MD (loved that show!) for a while and Alan Young was in one episode, playing another doctor who had some problems.  Of course, he was some 30+ years older than his Mr Ed days but I recognized him immediately - maybe even his voice first!