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Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96


Anyone besides me remember the talking horse, Mr. Ed?   This show was almost as dumb as My Mother The Car!  Good grief there were some stupid sitcoms in the 1960s!


RIP - Alan Young, who played straight man to a horse!  And now I can't get the theme song out of my head:  "A horse is a horse, of course, of course....."

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

Of course I remember Mr. Ed! I even had a Mr. Ed puppet that you pulled the sting and he talked!  Loved that show as a kid. RIP Mr. Young.....thankyou for the laughs and the fun!

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

I liked that show!  Now I've got that dumb song going around in my head!


Wow!  He led a good long life.

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

Yes - I remember watching this show when I was a kid!  Now I have that song in my head too!!!



Also  the actor who played Patty Dukke's father on her show passed away last week.  He was 93 I think.

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

Does anyone remember the predecessor to Mr. Ed, Francis the Talking Horse? It was one of the first movies I saw in a theater.

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

Alan Young was also Scrooge McDuck in cartoons.

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

Correction: It was Francis the talking mule most with Donald O'Connor. Add Alan young to the list of those I did not know were still with us till now.

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

I hope they meet in that "great pasture in the sky" and have a nice long chat.


I loved that show.

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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

@MaggieMack, I think Francis was the talking mule..  I rememer that and loved Mr. Ed..  Alan Young was so funny. Even Clint Eastwood was on one of the episodes..



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Re: Mr. Ed's "Owner" Alan Young Dies At Age 96

Francis WAS the talking mule. Chill Wills was the voice for that one!