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Re: More and More Americans Are Moving to the "SUNBELT" -- Are you? :)

@DiAnne wrote:

@151949 wrote:

@Suhse wrote:

@RedConvertibleGirl wrote:

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

If we move, it will be to the Northwest.


If you're thinking of Washington state then you better have a lot of money.  And the same politics.  We are looking to get OUT!


I've lived in Washington my entire life. Love it!  Seattle has become very expensive. 


The Sunbelt reminds me of one thing: BUGS!  Silly, I suppose, but I hate Bugs!

I am 100% positive there are bugs in Seattle. And we have sunshine 95% of the time, can't say that in Seattle.

You are right.  There are bugs in Washington.  We get spiders in the fall out in the yard.  We also gets lots of rain - that is why it is so green.  74 degrees and no humidity is a wonderful summer day to me!


We do have bugs here (mainly spiders), but I don't think they are anything like what they have down south.  I've heard some scary stories from someone in Texas.  But they do say everything is bigger in Texas.  LOL  Also, I had a friend from San Diego that told stories of some big spider (maybe it was the tarantula) chasing her around the yard.  And Florida, and other states, have alligators.  Some of the hotter places in this state will have rattlesnakes.


And yes, 74 degrees with a slight breeze is just about as perfect as it gets. 

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Re: More and More Americans Are Moving to the "SUNBELT" -- Are you? :)

I am a native Midwesterner who moved to Dallas 25+ years ago. Now I am contemplating a move out of DFW and perhaps even out of Texas. DFW is a metromess of growth and sprawl  but there are other parts of the state that are nice. Do I want to return to those harse winters of my youth?  Probably not, but I do miss a more temperate climate (and a basement for tornado season).



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Re: More and More Americans Are Moving to the "SUNBELT" -- Are you? :)

20+ years ago I had to leave my beloved Texas when I got married and relocate to the Midwest, and I've been here ever since.  I like 3 of the 4 seasons, but I can't wait for hubby to retire!  


I told him you can take the girl outta Texas but you can't take the Texas outta the girl!  But, then, I'm not from one of the sprawling metros either, so that may make a difference.  We will definitely be spending at least half of our time back in the lone star state!!! ❤️

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Re: More and More Americans Are Moving to the "SUNBELT" -- Are you? :)

@RedConvertibleGirl wrote:

@DiAnne wrote:

@151949 wrote:

@Suhse wrote:

@RedConvertibleGirl wrote:

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

If we move, it will be to the Northwest.


If you're thinking of Washington state then you better have a lot of money.  And the same politics.  We are looking to get OUT!


I've lived in Washington my entire life. Love it!  Seattle has become very expensive. 


The Sunbelt reminds me of one thing: BUGS!  Silly, I suppose, but I hate Bugs!

I am 100% positive there are bugs in Seattle. And we have sunshine 95% of the time, can't say that in Seattle.

You are right.  There are bugs in Washington.  We get spiders in the fall out in the yard.  We also gets lots of rain - that is why it is so green.  74 degrees and no humidity is a wonderful summer day to me!


We do have bugs here (mainly spiders), but I don't think they are anything like what they have down south.  I've heard some scary stories from someone in Texas.  But they do say everything is bigger in Texas.  LOL  Also, I had a friend from San Diego that told stories of some big spider (maybe it was the tarantula) chasing her around the yard.  And Florida, and other states, have alligators.  Some of the hotter places in this state will have rattlesnakes.


And yes, 74 degrees with a slight breeze is just about as perfect as it gets. 


Right now, today, 78, sunny and a beautiful sea breeze with no humidity here in the Sarasota, Florida area. We will continue to have beautiful days like this until mid May. It will get hot for the summer but in oct. it will moderate again and the weather will be delightful until the next May.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: More and More Americans Are Moving to the "SUNBELT" -- Are you? :)

[ Edited ]

@Bridgegal wrote:

@scotnovel wrote:

I left the north for the sunbelt many decades ago.  After having lived in the DFW area for 28 years, I retired and moved further north to once again have four seasons and to get away from the ridiculous Texas heat. 


I agree.  This Dallas native living in the Philly area for the last 14 years would NOT want to move back to Dallas.   Trade four beautiful seasons for 2?  No.


Trade nice mild summers for 'hot as hell'?  No.  Trade no bugs for giant flying roaches?  No.   


Trade a fairly independent political climate for that crazy stuff in Texas?



I'd love to be close to family but unless something changes, I'm staying here.




@Bridgegal  I'm a Philly girl living in the Southwest.  All my relatives are in the Philly area but I wouldn't consider going back.  Too many people, high cost of living and cold, snowy winters.  I'm happy where I am too.

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