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Re: More Lion than Lamb here at March's Back Fence

Hello all - nothing says Easter is around the corner like driving to work with snow flurries flying around. I hope that it warms up enough by Easter so little kids can dress up (if parents still do that).

Freddie - it's upsetting to me too that such a young person decided to run a plane into the alps. I heard on the news this morning that the investigators found in the pilot's home some doctor's notes excusing him from work. It appears he suffered from a depressive disorder.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: More Lion than Lamb here at March's Back Fence

Here in southern WV, March came in like a lion and is expected to go out like a lamb. We dropped into the 20's again last night with snow flurries, but temperatures are to climb into the 50's and 60's over the next few days. April will still be very cool, and likely bring more flurries, but we will have brighter, sunnier days, and know we are closer to much better weather.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: More Lion than Lamb here at March's Back Fence

Hot again today - way too hot for even Sou Cal. I heard that Palm Springs broke a heat record for today - it was 100 past record was 97. I worked there for almost 40 years - never wanted to move there. Talk about hot - yes indeed.

RedTop, great to have you here - please come back often. STill cold in WVa huh? I was born and raised in NC - do miss that beautiful state. Have been to WV but many eons ago.

Tomorrow a bit cooler - in the high 70s I do believe but out here the forecasts are not always what they say it will be. Such is life.

Had to put some water out on the back yard - probably let it stay on too long in one spot but it was bone dry. Did not get it all done so tomorrow will water the rest of it. Something wrong when I get nervous when I water the lawn - just do not do it much any more due to the drought and ridiculous fines/fees/restrictions we now have. And on top we are told to cut back 20 percent from last year. Just do not know how to do that because our last drought in about 1973, I have continued to followed the guidelines from then - low flow shower heads, a toilet with water saver, no running water unless you are using it water lawns ONLY at nighttime and for more than a year now have cut back to once a week in my front lawn - have lost all my fruit trees out back and my lawns are pathetic. Breaks my heart.

Hope all had a great day.

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Posts: 41,695
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: More Lion than Lamb here at March's Back Fence

Good Morning Fencers - I can only imagine what my face looked like when I pulled open the kitchen curtains and discovered a thick blanket of snow on my back patio and backyard grass. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night and was staring at the ceiling at 1:30, so I did, for a split second think my eyes were playing tricks on me this morning.

I'm copying this gif from the Bird's Nest. I wish I had this sheep's pep today.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise