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(((Lori K))) I, too, know your pain. It’s over a year since I said farewell to my Mr. Gidget after 15 loving years, and I didn’t think I’d ever get over the loss. Well, time has passed and while I am over the initial heartache that lasted a very long time, the memories are always front and center as I sometimes gaze at his favorite spot perched on top of the loveseat as he was bird/rabbit/squirrel watching, or remembering how he’d slap at my hands letting me know it’s play time, or as I call out his nickname when a special memory comes to mind. He’s always here with me, as your Mollie is with you.

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Thank you everyone. I enjoyed reading all your responses. Merry Christmas to all of you!!
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 12/6/2014 Lori K said:

I had to have my sweet 18 year old female cat Mollie put down on September 3. I miss her terribly. I had her cremated which I had never done with any of my other cats. It has been very comforting to know that she is no longer in pain. I do find myself holding the little box she is in and hope this is just something normal. It was hard for me to put our Christmas tree up this year as she loved to lay underneath it and I have a beautiful picture of her from last year under it with the lights glowing on her. I decided to put her little box under the tree this year and that has also brought me some comfort. I have another cat that I love but it just isn't the same because Mollie was more like my best friend. Has anyone else felt this way?


What you are feeling is completely understandable. I lost my wonderful cat Rex on March 7, 2011. He was 13 and if a cat can be a soul mate, he was mine. I love all my cats, I have 4 right now, including Rex's brother. But I don't think I will ever have another Rex or love another cat so deeply. I would just have to look at him and he would purr and he was there during all the ups and downs during my life. I had him cremated and put my feelings in letters to him and keep them with his ashes. When I lost him to cancer I felt like I had a big empty whole inside me that would never heal. Within a week of the first symptom he was gone. He passed during surgery. Time helps heal but I still miss him everyday. So, again I think your feelings are very understandable and with time things will get easier. Give yourself time and remember all the good times and know that your baby is no longer in pain.

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Registered: ‎06-30-2014
So sorry for your loss ~ it is a terrible hurt! Know that your life was blessed to have had Mollie in itand she was blessed to have had you as a ""mom"". It's never easy and I hope the memories of your sweet girl give you comfort ~
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Lori K- I am so sorry about Mollie. Each time we have lost one of our dogs, I have felt like I would never be okay again. We all grieve when our pets die....just like when our human loved ones die. I am a psychotherapist and often work with grieving clients--several who have been grieving the loss of their beloved pets. I believe grief and loss are some of the toughest experiences in life due to all the roller coaster of feelings we feel. Time sure doesn't change the reality of our losses but I have personally felt that time can help the intensity of our feelings.....but what a process we have to go through. Best wishes, Lori, and I hope this forum helps you in some way!