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Re: Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

So I'll ask again, why is ok for Joyce, Jessie Duplantis and countless others but not for Creflo?

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Re: Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

I guess, Sydney, because they made it public.. maybe they should've just purchased the jet and be done with it instead of asking the congregation to cough up the money...

I can't explain about the other rich ministers.

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Re: Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

On 3/15/2015 SydneyH said:

So I'll ask again, why is ok for Joyce, Jessie Duplantis and countless others but not for Creflo?

You asked, I'll answer:

It's not OK for any of them, especially those who bill themselves as prosperity preachers.

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Re: Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

A basic premise of Christianity is about giving to others, not receiving.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

On 3/15/2015 TaxyLady said:
On 3/15/2015 Cakers1 said:

And one more thing - you don't have to be a Christian to enter Heaven.

That's all I'm going to argue about here.

I rest my case. Your above statement speaks the kind of gospel you have been listening too. That is why we need men like Creflo Dollar.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that no one but Christians who believe in the 'correct gospel' will go to heaven? Is that what Creflo Dollar preaches? Do you (or Creflo) believe that non-Christians do not go to heaven? I'm not sure what you mean to say. Please explain.

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Re: Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

Oy nothing like arguing over who goes to heaven. God would be proud.

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Re: Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

Perhaps he should of held a fundraiser to raise 60M to clothe and feed the poor. He wants a jet so he and his wife can jet set around. Omgoodness, this is ridiculous. I cannot believe people would send him money for this. He is not preaching God's word, he is just using it to his own end.

Anyone working in a religious organization earning above a certain dollar amount certainly should be taxed. These people are raking in millions. I never knew God's word could/should cost so much.

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Re: Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

On 3/15/2015 NoelSeven said:

You asked, I'll answer:

It's not OK for any of them, especially those who bill themselves as prosperity preachers.

Interesting, I see it as simply a business decision. People who tithe to these organizations also have a choice to list how or where they want their money to be spent.

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Re: Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

When I lived on the Upper West Side (Manhattan) in a roach-ridden rent control apartment that I still remember fondly (all but the mouse) ... I used to get mailings from such a preacher.

The mailer was titled "God's Gold Book Plan." It promised that if I would send them money I would win lotto or have some other piece of luck.

It was funny and sad, all at once. They were scammers preying on the many poor people where I lived; but in a weird way they were also selling hope, and I would imagine that some people sent them money they could not easily spare. Hope is precious, and life can be very, very tough.

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Re: Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet

On 3/15/2015 Slate said:

Oy nothing like arguing over who goes to heaven. God would be proud.

Which is why Taxy's siggie is so that unintentionally ironic sort of way.