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@ritasNo1Fan wrote:

Have you seen photos of Princess Margaret's grandson?  I think his name is Andrew Chato.... anyway, he looks like an Adonis, if you know what I mean.  Hubba Hubba





Wow!  I checked, it's Arthur Chatto and The Sun has some real beefcake photos of him.

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Harry is Diana's son and the product of her marriage to Charles.  Anything else is rumor amd gossip and not grounded in fact and it would behoove one to be very careful of placing doubt without facts and spreading rumors that are hurtful to those involved.  Those who start rumors and those who spread them have no real knowledge

of the true circumstances, just pure speculation not truth.


As far as receiving heirloom rings, it seems to me to be a great honor.  Anyone can have a "brand new" ring, but few of us have the privilege of receiving valuable historic jewelry passed down through the ages.   Kate wearing Diana's ring is symbolic of past meeing present and shows great meaning.  I'm sure she feels blessed and loved.

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Charles is Harry's father!  And, sadly, Charles was quite disappointed that Harry was not a girl......and, he made his feelings know to all, especially Diana!!!!


The man that you referred to didn't come into Diana's life until a few years after Harry's birth.  The red hair comes from the Spenser family!

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Sadly, I have always thought this.  "The Firm" didn't want the mother of the future king to be married into that family.


Yet, those same people had no problem with Charles carrying on with Camilla!

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A car crash in a tunnel, reporters all over on motorbikes, a driver who had alcohol in his system, taking more than an hour to get Diana to hospital (they didn't take her to the closest facility)......just a few of the facts that don't add up.


Let us not forget, Charles wanted to marry Camilla, and, it would be far easier with Diana out of the way.  I have always believed Prince Philip had a hand in this.

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Charles is Harry's biological father!!!!  The red hair comes from the Spencer side.  As for Diana's brother and Harry!!!  From childhood thru adulthood, Harry looks like his uncle.  Anything else is gossip.


As for Charles....he wanted a girl and blamed Diana that the baby was a boy!!  Besides, Charles was continuing his affair with Camilla!

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I buy a lot of those trash magazines and take what they say with a grain of salt (not serious).


I don't know if it is true but I would think the palace or someone would announce it if it were true.


I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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I do hope that this is true!!!!  Harry deserves to be happy and to marry the woman he loves!  As far as the ring goes, the royals have always given heirloom rings.

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Re: Meghan and Harry

[ Edited ]

@Puppy Lips wrote:

@JaneMarple wrote:

@Puppy Lips wrote:

Frankly, I think I would want my OWN, NEW ring, not some hand me down that I would never feel was really mine.  I hope they have a long and happy life together.  


And just as a side note between us, I always thought Harry looked more like the guy Diana was fooling around with, the Polo instructor, than Charles.

Harry looks like the Spencer family!

Okay, okay, I give.  But that other guy did have red hair.  And there was speculation at the time, of who the real father was.

Why do people keep forgetting that she didn't get involved with "the other guy" until after Harry was born?  Quite a while after!


@JaneMarple - I didn't see till after I posted this that you (and others) have made the same point.  It's awful when a nasty rumor just won't go away!

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When I hear it from proper channel--> (buckingham palace)