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Re: Medicare is Expected to Rise 6.7%

In Dec  all the other health care company prices are expected to be up substantially  and least not forget medications .

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Re: Medicare is Expected to Rise 6.7%

@new nickname 4 

@new nickname 4 wrote:

Well good for you!  However, many of us won't receive $100 a month increase!  Mine is much less, but Medicare increase will be the same for me as it is for you.  FYI, I just paid 3.499 a gallon of gas today, much over $1.00 a gallon more than last year.  Those of us in rural areas depend on our cars and gas in our cars to get to the grocery store, doctor or just getting out.  The SS increase won't even begin to cover all the expenses that have gone up in the last year.  Great for some (you probably) not even making a dent to me.

I live on SS and my gas cost 4.499.  Needless to say I don,t drive much.  I make every trip count. An increase will be welcomed.

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Re: Medicare is Expected to Rise 6.7%

I believe a $10.00 increase is a lot when all the other costs associated with Medicare are going higher. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 568
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Medicare is Expected to Rise 6.7%

The premium for my Medicare Advantage plan will remain the same for 2022.  The SS COLA is nice, but will no doubt be eaten up by rising fuel and grocery prices. 


I went to BJs yesterday and noticed that the two pack of Pepperidge Farms bread that I buy went from $4.19 to $5.17 in a week.  Before that it was $3.97.  After DH passed I cut back on some items, now I'll need to do more.  

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Re: Medicare is Expected to Rise 6.7%

[ Edited ]

I don't receive SS checks, no increase for me, but I do pay for Medicare out of pocket. So any increase in Medicare is not good for me at all.  A 6.7% increase for me comes out to be $32 more than I'm already paying for Medicare each month and not $10 more like most people will pay. I pay for Medicare w/o qualifying for SS so I pay a lot more for it. Most people's Medicare is $148.50 each month. Mine is $471 and will be over $500 after the increase.

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Re: Medicare is Expected to Rise 6.7%

@vcvc wrote:

Whenever the government "giveth" it can also "taketh" away. My Mother's proverb.




Well, surely you must realize the prices are going up on everything related to health care.  Would you rather they not raise prices and add that to the national debt.   Please don't answer that ... for obvious reasons.  IMO, these days, a $10 increase for healthcare is mere pocket change.

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Re: Medicare is Expected to Rise 6.7%

[ Edited ]

Well how about this!! Since they will go by the 2020 tax return and my husband was let go from his job due to Covid and received a severance package it puts us in a bracket where his and my Medicare will each go from $148.50 to $475.00  We have had no income for 2021 since we are using the severance from last year. We will both start drawing Social Security in January. We will need to fill out a IRMAA form to see if we can get it reduced back. Fingers crossed.


Oops!! I made a mistake, I looked at the individual filing status instead of married status. It will only go to $207.90 or whatever the increase is for next year for each of us. Glad I was wrong.

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Re: Medicare is Expected to Rise 6.7%

@Sugipine @This is just so wrong to me. I'm so sorry about this. 

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Re: Medicare is Expected to Rise 6.7%

I read that the Medicare Part B deductible is increasing by $14. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 568
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Medicare is Expected to Rise 6.7%

@FlyersGirl  Deductible or premium?
