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On 1/31/2015 Preds said:

Hold the lettuce, hold the cheese, are you happy, I am pleased? Didn't come in here to sing, taking my business to Burger King! ... and dance my way out the door. {#emotions_dlg.sneaky}{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Great little jingle. To see that would make this silly promotion worthwhile.

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On 1/30/2015 Marp2 said:

Asking customers to call their mother might backfire big time. I'd burst into tears.

me too - sadly, my other passed away years ago

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So, if you don't want to do any of that - pay for your happy meal and leave.

No big deal. And plenty of people will accept.

Not saying this because I might get a free meal - haven't been to Mickey's for at least a year, maybe more. I'm probably one of the reasons they're in financial trouble and trying anything to attract customers.

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If they asked me to call my mother I would say hello little mother I still miss you wish I could bring you a biscuit and hash browns. Hope you heard me.
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What a waste of time!! When I'm hungry the last thing I want is to have the line held up by such nonsense!!!

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Oh please!

I don't think the cemetery takes phone calls.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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On 1/31/2015 JustJazzmom said:

Oh please!

I don't think the cemetery takes phone calls.

I don't think my mother is in the cemetery I think she is heaven and she does see me.

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On 1/31/2015 Preds said:

Hold the lettuce, hold the cheese, are you happy, I am pleased? Didn't come in here to sing, taking my business to Burger King! ... and dance my way out the door. {#emotions_dlg.sneaky}{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

LOL!! This is hilarious! I'd love to see you do this! {}

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I would feel sorry for the workers having to ask the question... I don't think it would be received well by customers, definitely not me. Although the few times I go, I use the drive-thru.

As another poster said, they need to take that money for free meals and pay their workers a living wage instead! {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

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I read the article on Huff Po and they're apparently going to have a commercial on the Superbowl advertising this promotion. They're only doing a handful per McDonalds outlet, so the chances of being picked to "express your love" are few and far between. Personally it wouldn't be a big deal to me and I'd probably just hug the most attractive nearby guy or older person and be done with it -- or do a quickie dance; what do I care?

I agree that they should just pay their employees more or do SOMETHING for employees. Mc Donald's has gotten so much bad press lately for how they treat their people.