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I just saw a commercial for the  MacDonalds Chicken Big Mac. I had not heard of it and I don't eat MacDonald's anything anymore, very strict about my diet choices to keep my Type 2 diabetes under control. I was surprised when I saw the commercial and I won't be trying it but has anyone tried it yet?  What will they come up with next ? I looked it up and it has 700 calories. 

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Re: McDonald's Chicken Big Mac

I eat 1400 healthy calories a day to maintain my weight.   700 calories is half my calories budget and that sandwich is as unhealthy as a regular Big Mac.  It's new to US McDonald's but it's sold in McDonald's overseas.   I know it's popular in the UK and I believe Australia.

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Re: McDonald's Chicken Big Mac

I had my once a year Big Mac yesterday, it was really good & I enjoyed every bite...noticed the chicken version too but I don't like breaded chicken patties so it was an easy pass.

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Re: McDonald's Chicken Big Mac

@chrystaltree wrote:

I eat 1400 healthy calories a day to maintain my weight.   700 calories is half my calories budget and that sandwich is as unhealthy as a regular Big Mac.  It's new to US McDonald's but it's sold in McDonald's overseas.   I know it's popular in the UK and I believe Australia.



How do you do that?  I used to really restrict my calories when I was much younger.  That was how I kept myself very thin.  As I have gotten older and have a lot of health issues, take a lot of meds, and just don't feel well at all, I find it so hard to really restrict my calories so much.  I give you a lot of credit and wish I could make myself do that.  I have gained about 20 lbs. and am very unhappy with myself.  If you go to special events or holidays or meet up with friends, how do you handle that?  Thanks.  I don't mean to be nosy, I am just interested.  Thank you!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: McDonald's Chicken Big Mac

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

I eat 1400 healthy calories a day to maintain my weight.   700 calories is half my calories budget and that sandwich is as unhealthy as a regular Big Mac.  It's new to US McDonald's but it's sold in McDonald's overseas.   I know it's popular in the UK and I believe Australia.



How do you do that?  I used to really restrict my calories when I was much younger.  That was how I kept myself very thin.  As I have gotten older and have a lot of health issues, take a lot of meds, and just don't feel well at all, I find it so hard to really restrict my calories so much.  I give you a lot of credit and wish I could make myself do that.  I have gained about 20 lbs. and am very unhappy with myself.  If you go to special events or holidays or meet up with friends, how do you handle that?  Thanks.  I don't mean to be nosy, I am just interested.  Thank you!  

@AngelPuppy1  @chrystaltree 

I'd like to know also.  I can manage 1400 calories a day when I try but get bored with my choices as I tend to eat the same things. 

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Re: McDonald's Chicken Big Mac

It looks greasy and messy.


Except for an occasional stop at Popeye's for lunch, we don't eat fast food.  I also don't like shredded lettuce on burgers or sandwiches so it would be an easy pass for me.

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Posts: 12,280
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: McDonald's Chicken Big Mac

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

I eat 1400 healthy calories a day to maintain my weight.   700 calories is half my calories budget and that sandwich is as unhealthy as a regular Big Mac.  It's new to US McDonald's but it's sold in McDonald's overseas.   I know it's popular in the UK and I believe Australia.



How do you do that?  I used to really restrict my calories when I was much younger.  That was how I kept myself very thin.  As I have gotten older and have a lot of health issues, take a lot of meds, and just don't feel well at all, I find it so hard to really restrict my calories so much.  I give you a lot of credit and wish I could make myself do that.  I have gained about 20 lbs. and am very unhappy with myself.  If you go to special events or holidays or meet up with friends, how do you handle that?  Thanks.  I don't mean to be nosy, I am just interested.  Thank you!  


I lost 80 pounds a few years ago. I need to lose another 15-20 but it's been difficult, especially at my age. I'll always be a bit fluffy. I've learned not to expect perfection.   


I try to be smart when I go out with friends or to special events. I will eat what I want within reason.


If I'm at a restaurant, I usually take half home for dinner the next day. Depending on what I eat, I'll be extra careful the next day or two. I went to an Asian restaurant 2 days ago and the servings were large. I had some leftovers last night and will eat the rest today. 


The one thing I know is I will binge on something very bad if I deny myself all the time. I use 3 and 5 ounce Glad or Ziploc type containers when I want a treat. They don't hold much but it's enough to satisfy without going crazy.





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Re: McDonald's Chicken Big Mac

Pure poison.  Just NO.  Sometimes, on road trips, a small, plain hamburger is OK.  Check the fat and sodium, really bad for you.  Need a black box warning.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎06-29-2016

Re: McDonald's Chicken Big Mac

[ Edited ]



It looks so good that I can't wait to try it!


McDonald's,  here I come!

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Posts: 735
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: McDonald's Chicken Big Mac

I haven't eaten at McDonalds or any fast food restaurant in probably 20  years.  So unhealthy and just fattening.  I don't need either in my life at this point.