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Usually neither. If I had to choose it would be Mayo, and a very thin schmear. I can't stand Miracle Whip. The worst is when someone makes a salad that calls for mayo but they use Miracle Whip and don't tell you. Then you have a serving of "yuck" on your plate. And if you ask if they used MW, they'll finally say, "yeah, but it's the same thing". OH NO IT ISN'T. One of my sisters is notorious for that. I've learned to ask before taking anything she's made, that could be questionable.

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Mayo. Miracle Whip makes me sick! Hate the smell.

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Miracle Whip - just a smidge and only in something like potato or macaroni salad. I don't put it on sandwiches or anything.

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On 1/2/2015 JeanLouiseFinch said:

Usually neither. If I had to choose it would be Mayo, and a very thin schmear. I can't stand Miracle Whip. The worst is when someone makes a salad that calls for mayo but they use Miracle Whip and don't tell you. Then you have a serving of "yuck" on your plate. And if you ask if they used MW, they'll finally say, "yeah, but it's the same thing". OH NO IT ISN'T. One of my sisters is notorious for that. I've learned to ask before taking anything she's made, that could be questionable.

I feel the same...can not stand Miracle Whip.


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Butter or a brown mustard of some type. Neither yellow mustard or any type of mayo product darken my doorstep.

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Through the years I have used both, but find I am most partial to mayo. The mayo eaters in this house prefer Hellman's.
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Duke's mayo, but I'm going to start making my own to get as much soy out of my diet as possible.
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Only thing I put MW on is a chipped ham sandwich, and deviled eggs for my husband.

I only like potato and macaroni salad made with Hellmans

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mayo.....hellmanns or dukes.....

miracle whip......NEVER!

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Neither, no one here uses it.

I keep a small jar of Hellman's in the pantry in case company wants mayo. Once they leave it get's tossed.