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Re: May I help you ""young lady""

"May I help you, fit and in great shape lady?" ..... I can't help it. That made me laugh, too.

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Re: May I help you ""young lady""

I have been called maam and young lady. I am in my 50s. Whats worse is when you run into someone you haven't seen and they say oh you look good. Good compared to what? lol. THATS when you know you hit the age, when you get that greeting.

On the positive side, lots of men of all ages tend to hold the door for me a lot since I am older (besides my husband who always held/holds the door). And I always thank them and give them a big smile.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: May I help you ""young lady""

On 2/12/2015 Cakers1 said:

I don't like waiter staff calling us "guys". Hey guys - you ready to order? Hey guys can I get you anything else? Hey guys - have a nice day.


Better than "guyses." I swear I've heard "your guyses" several times, and it absolutely makes my ears bleed.

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Re: May I help you ""young lady""

I don't care what people call me as long as it isn't you stupid b--ch or hey, pig face. Being called ma'am or honey is is better than not being acknowledged at all.
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Re: May I help you ""young lady""

as a child, when I heard "young lady",,I knew I was in trouble!!!!!

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Re: May I help you ""young lady""

On 2/13/2015 Hildegarde Withers said:
On 2/13/2015 chrystaltree said:

I have heard men address elderly women as "young lady" and I personally find it offensive. If an older woman is buying shoes or cheese at the deli, she should be addressed as m'am. It's the equivalent to calling an obese woman "you skinny thing". It's insulting.

I'd have to agree with you.

Calling an elderly woman who is clearly not young, a "young lady" implies there is something wrong with being elderly or that you're trying to make her feel better because she's elderly.

It's wouldn't say to an obese woman "May I help you, fit and in great shape lady?"

THANK YOU! Best laugh I'll get all day. I can't stop chuckling over this.
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Re: May I help you ""young lady""

On 2/13/2015 Hildegarde Withers said:
On 2/13/2015 chrystaltree said:

I have heard men address elderly women as "young lady" and I personally find it offensive. If an older woman is buying shoes or cheese at the deli, she should be addressed as m'am. It's the equivalent to calling an obese woman "you skinny thing". It's insulting.

I'd have to agree with you.

Calling an elderly woman who is clearly not young, a "young lady" implies there is something wrong with being elderly or that you're trying to make her feel better because she's elderly.

It's wouldn't say to an obese woman "May I help you, fit and in great shape lady?"

I'm so glad to know that I am not the only one that feels this way. I'm 67 y.o. and definitely not young. Why even bring age into the conversation at all.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: May I help you ""young lady""

Older people get offended by the most simple things. It's called ""just being nice"".