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Re: Matthew Cowles, Christine Baranski's husband of over 30 years, dies at the age of 69.

On 5/26/2014 Baylie said: So sorry to hear that. Loved him as Billy Clyde Tuggle!

Me too!

He was perfect in that role.

Those were the good old days when soaps were fun!

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Re: Matthew Cowles, Christine Baranski's husband of over 30 years, dies at the age of 69.

On 5/27/2014 BeckiWV said:

Billy Clyde was a villain but I loved watching him. Mr. Cowles simply stole every scene he was in.

Billy Clyde always called poor long suffering Estelle, "my honey Estelle." I can just hear that so clearly.

Thanks for the memories, sir. RIP.....

Since it was such a surprise to find he was married to Baranski, I looked him up on Wiki and found that he and "Estelle" actually were briefly married in real life before Christine.

Even my brother would stop in his tracks when Billy Clyde Tuggle was on the tv screen and he would laugh.

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Registered: ‎01-09-2014

Re: Matthew Cowles, Christine Baranski's husband of over 30 years, dies at the age of 69.

He was a great actor. I remember watching him on AMC. RIP.

Does anyone know the cause of death?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Matthew Cowles, Christine Baranski's husband of over 30 years, dies at the age of 69.

I felt bad when I saw that he had passed. They were a loving couple.
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