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Married at First Sight - 6 months later

I really enjoyed the show, and I'm glad two of the couples are still married! Both of them are moving to new addresses too. I like the couple getting divorced, just not together. I read an interview with one of the experts that said Vaughn was not at all comfortable with the filming procedure and having cameras around all of the time. That certainly didn't contribute to their problems, but it didn't help either. Cortney and Jason are just so adorable. I was sorry to hear that Jason's mom died two weeks after filming wrapped.

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Re: Married at First Sight - 6 months later

This was awesome! I couldn't wait to watch. It was thoroughly entertaining. I love Jason & Cortney, and Doug & Jamie! I felt very bad for Monet. I think she was very hurt by Vaughn's behavior. He seems a difficult man. I think he would benefit from some counseling --- one on one.

Did you notice they are having another show on them? Scenes that didn't make the show. I can't wait for this one, too. I just really love these guys!

I think Monet seems a great person and woman. I am sure she would be so much fun to know and an awesome friend, as well.

I wish Vaughn well, too. Maybe he will find his perfect woman soon and have learned some things from this experience.

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Married at First Sight - 6 months later

I'm disappointed because I was hoping to move in on Jason when he and Cortney split.

I thought that the ones who divorced seemed obvious from the beginning that they really had no connection whatsoever.

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Re: Married at First Sight - 6 months later

I love the ending for Doug and Jamie!{#emotions_dlg.wub} They so complement each others weaknesses and strengths. I loved it when in one interview with Doug when he said "Jamie makes me a better man, and makes me want to be the best I can be". How wonderful of a compliment is that for your partner! Now Jamie has totally given herself to him and can enjoy trusting and loving someone completely for the first time in her life. She is so beautiful and deserves a happy fulfilling family life of her own.

It is sad that Jason's Mother died{#emotions_dlg.sad} I think everyone knew it was coming. No matter, it is just sad and difficult. Now Jason is not alone to grieve and hopefully this will only empower their bond and love as Jason goes through this sad period in his life.

Monet and Vaughn were just oil and water from the beginning. Both so set in their ways... hard to over come that. Neither one of them was easy. Best how things turned out. I do not think if they had dated first, that they would have ever married in the first place. They had much more of just a physical relationship... but never emotional.

It was a very interesting and a nice program to watch. I hope they continue to follow up of the two couples who made it.

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Re: Married at First Sight - 6 months later

I talked about this yesterday, on the other thread - I really love these couples. It's amazing how they have developed together. The younger couple, Cortney and Jason, are so self-aware for their age. Doug and Jamie have really done well. I am so happy that they are both in love with each other too.

It's kind of cool how all the women have become friends. I always wondered if any of these people ever met each other before this episode.

This show was better than I could have ever imagined.

There is a reunion show on the 30th.

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Re: Married at First Sight - 6 months later

I've been reading everything I can about this. Dr. Cilona said in one interview that in this case Monet and Vaughn would have had a better chance if they had met and dated "the old fashioned way" (quotations are mine). I think Vaughn was reluctant to travel too, and give up his central Jersey roots. He is going back to school to get a degree in electrical engineering. He already has the experience, especially as one of the Thunderbirds!

Monet will be fine. She has a lot to offer too. She is pretty, confident, and funny. She has a good career, and anyone who watched the show knows she and Vaughn had a strong se xual connection. I don't imagine she'll have a hard time getting dates! Wink

Apparently Cortney met Jason's mom right before she died. Jason's mom was just happy someone was going to look after Jason, and imagining the Cortney we saw on the show, it must have been a special time for them. DH and I went through losses early in our marriage, and it really did make us closer. I think Jason was more into Cortney from the beginning than the show wanted us to believe! Those two just seem perfect for each other, and both are very religious. I'm sure they think this whole situation was not just a coincidence!

Doug and Jamie are the surprise. He was SO patient with her. I like Jamie - I watched the show because I "knew" her from the Bachelor series. I'm so glad things worked out for them, and now Jamie will have the crazy close-knit family she's always wanted. She seems to already be close to them. His brother got married last weekend, and according to one person who was there, Jamie and Dough acted like typical newlyweds. That's good to hear!

AngelPuppy1 - I can't wait for the "blooper" and behind-the-scenes show too!

gazelle77 - I didn't remember that quote from Doug. I agree it's nice to see Jamie get a happy ending (much better than Ben, IMHO!).

I think the network will folllow up on these couples. The finale was the highest rated show in the network's history (even when it was the Biography channel). I know it's not a MAJOR network, but people WERE interested. I'll bet ABC and the others are wishing they'd bought the concept first! {}

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Re: Married at First Sight - 6 months later

.... I remember the statement from Vaughn.... he thought that Monet should "pleasure him" just after he had picked her up from foot surgery.... I believe it speaks to his narcicissm.(sp?) I believe I saw it throughout the whole 6 mo. I think Monet was frustrated and when she got that way she got an edge to her voice.... she expected to marry a man, one who would stay with her and work things out.... not run back home because he didn't like the way things were going. I don't think she was/is perfect but I think she was more determined to keep this going.

I am wishing the best for all 6.

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Re: Married at First Sight - 6 months later

Yeah, that was harsh! He was trying to get her to have s*x and she said she didn't feel like it, RIGHT after she got home from surgery. He, then, said something like 'well, there's nothing wrong with your hand'. yikes!

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Re: Married at First Sight - 6 months later

I really enjoyed it too.

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Re: Married at First Sight - 6 months later

On 9/18/2014 chickenbutt said:

Yeah, that was harsh! He was trying to get her to have s*x and she said she didn't feel like it, RIGHT after she got home from surgery. He, then, said something like 'well, there's nothing wrong with your hand'. yikes!

remember he also brought up at a dinner they were having out about having a three some.... like YUK{#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}. She looked so turned off after he said that. Who would not?? He was a little too creepy for me and just very selfish.