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Re: Mac n Cheetos, Burger King

Oh, Ick. You're kidding, right? I'm glad I avoid the snack aisle at the grocery store. Or is this a fried fast food thing? It's amazing what passes for food these days.


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Re: Mac n Cheetos, Burger King

Oh that sounds so gross. I like real homemade mac and cheese but I doubt I would want mac and cheese that BK would make. I don't think I have ever had a Cheeto so I am not sure what that would taste like. I am not against some good junk food once in a while but this doesn't sound appealing at all.

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Re: Mac n Cheetos, Burger King

I would try it.  

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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Mac n Cheetos, Burger King

I just took a couple of bites the night I bought it. I had it for breakfast the next morning ;-)


The actual mac & cheese part without the Cheetos was good. Not gourmet, but better than you'd expect. It'll just be a fad, but it isn't bad.


For those who might want some better fried mac & cheese, Trader Joe's does frozen breaded mac & cheese balls that are very tasty.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all