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Re: MINIMALISM. If you already have one...

I got to stop with  clothes. I have too much and no place to hang them. I even find some that I had ordered much earlier. It is only me here.

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Re: MINIMALISM. If you already have one...

@this is my nic  I decided this year to decorate very minimally for Christmas, as the older I get, the easier I get irritated with all the "stuff" being everywhere.  I even said I didn't want to put up my Christmas tree, but then I decided I would, but very simple.  After I put my tree up and fluffed it, I plugged it in and it was so beautiful to me without decorations.  I did decide to put a very simple topper on it, but I wasn't sure as to what.  I went to Walmart and looked at their toppers and decided on a very simple silver star with white lights.  My husband put the star on the tree and plugged it in and it is beautiful!  I love the simplicity so much!  I can sit and stare at my "simple" tree with only white lights and a simple lighted star for the longest time.  I really love it!  It makes me feel peaceful for a change.......kind of like Christmas should be.

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Re: MINIMALISM. If you already have one...

@halfpint1 wrote:

I got to stop with  clothes. I have too much and no place to hang them. I even find some that I had ordered much earlier. It is only me here.

@halfpint1  When it comes to clothes ask yourself if you will ever wear it. Now that I'm retired, I wear one casual outfit a day and one nicer outfit on Sunday. I only do laundry once a week in the winter months. In summer, I do yard work and go though more clothes.

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Re: MINIMALISM. If you already have one...

I am allowing myself to try different groceries that are "Lightning Deals" on Amazon. Most I've liked and they do not clutter my home or my closet. So THAT kind of shopping is also helping me to limit other buying! By the way, that is the way I found my favorite "bar" -- Health Warrior pumpkin seed bar covered with a thin layer of chocolate! AND it's high in good protein and fiber but does not contain a lot of sugars!

Thanks for responding to the topic I posted. I'm reading everyone of your replies and they are both interesting and inspiring. Heart -Solar1

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: MINIMALISM. If you already have one...

Definitely downsizing here! I started several years ago with my wardrobe and have kept going. I have purged every inch of our house & garage to remove things that I don’t need or want or ever use. I love things to be neat, clean & organized. I have become a ruthless purger. Very freeing. My DH, however, refuses to get rid of most of his old things so we will always have that stuff.