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What do I think now?  Well, I think there are some pretty jealous and judgmental people out there who are looking at that car and belitting the person driving it for no reason except they must be jealous and judgmental to think that way.


I understand there are people who make a heck of a lot more money than I do, and who make a heck of a lot less.  And what kind of human being they are has nothing whatsoever to do with how much they spend or save or what kind of vehicle they drive any more than it has to do with what brand of peas any of us buy.


How sad for someone to think that way.   It is as wrong to judge the rich as it is to judge the poor.  And I do think those things come back to us. 

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@ChynnaBlue wrote:

@icherry wrote:

I don't give it any thought, one way ,or the other. What difference can it  make?

I agree, I mostly don't notice unless it's an especially nice looking vehicle, like a Tesla. I loved seeing the Audi TTs from around 2004 drive by - sexy cars. But I also notice a lot of cars not in the Luxury category. I get excited about every new Prius model or all-electric vehicle that comes on the market.







I've always liked looking at cars, too.  When I was a kid, my father used to take me down to what was known as "Auto Row" on Van Ness St. in the city, when the yearly new models came out.


They used to have large spotlights pointed toward the sky and moving around at the dealerships.  It was a big deal then Smiley Happy

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It all depends on what you think a luxury car is.  To me, I have a love for Toyota Camry's.  Just purchased a 2017 XLE Hybrid Camry with all the bells and whistles and for what I paid for it I could have purhased a Lexus, but why do that when I have a love for Camry's.  That's my luxury car. 

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In 2002 I took early retirement and the Cadillac Escalade had just come out -- yup that was my gift to me from me!!! I had a design/decor business and drove a lot.


I loved that car and kept it for 12 years w/o a ounce of problems! The general maintenance was a little pricey.


when I moved south and it was just the 2 of us it was really a unnecessary luxury - I sold it for $16,950.


I bought a Honda LX Accord sport ...I love this car too! Radio not a BOSE but then again, I only put about 7000 a year and don't spend time driving like I used to. 


I think luxury cars for teenagers is ridiculous unless they buy it not mom/dad. And yes, lots of seniors drive luxury cars they earned it OR lease them - I'm sure! (My 79 yr old friend drives a 2016 corvette leased)

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It depends on how they're driving.  Today I looked in my rear view mirror and a little BMW was right on my bumper at a stop light.  I won't repeat what I said.  Smiley Happy

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I think expensive cars don't really look expensive.  I mean some do, but others, I'm surprised to see the emblems, tbh.


The only thing that really gets me is a car that's well into the six figures and has that flat finish, I just don't get it.


And I certainly don't mean to insult anyone here who has it.  I just think your ride would look so much better....shiny!

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I really don't think anything unless it's something like 'that's a beautiful car' or 'I love/hate the color'.     No big thing.  I'm not a competitive person.


My car was pretty expensive when I purchased it new and what I thought about that was that I worked hard and made good money, so I was glad that I could afford to have the exact car I wanted.    Smiley Happy

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No judgments or speculations. I work in an upscale community at a campus where many students drive cars as nice as I drive -- and I drive a decent vehicle. I also don't give it a second thought when someone drives a car that looks like it could fall apart. Doesn't affect or offend me.    

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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I have only seen one twice. Both were Mazerati's (sp?)- one in Amarillo when we were on vacation. Then, after that I saw one locally. I thought they were sweet!

Now, if you are talking Lexus, cadilacs and ones like that, I don't think anything.

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Re: Luxury vehicle

[ Edited ]

@Trix wrote:

My feeling is that the person is driving a car which they feel announces their financial success.  I don't see anything wrong with someone choosing a $100,000 Mercedes sedan -- or even one of the luxury sports cars or SUVs-- if that's what they can afford, and it makes them feel good driving it. There are some people who can afford any car they want, but don't want the visible presumption of wealth following them, so they opt to drive cars which are steps down from those upper levels of luxury. 


Sadly, there are those who really can't afford the luxury vehicles, but are willing to go deep into debt to have one. 

My first husband owned a luxury motorcar repair business and it was amazing how people would bring in their ferraris or Royles royces and then could not pay the bill, so we would have to go to court to get the title and go thru selling the car to get our money. This was how I came to drive a Jaguar XJ 12 for 3 years which was owned by the company. At the time my DH died the company owned my Jag, and 3 Mercedes Benzes that were at the auction. One Mercedes was from the 50's and was a fine car but DH wanted the money more than he wanted the car. My DH was very good looking and some of his female customers would offer to pay for their car repairs with their bodies. He would say - go ask my wife , she handles the finances , if she says ok ....  

Don't assume the person driving that fancy car owns it - he may just be an employee or the mechanic. Pete would sometimes drive a car for several days to figure out what was wrong with it.