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Love dogs and toddlers? Check this out! :-)

From an adorable photo series taking over the 'Net...

Animals + kids = mutual adoration. {#emotions_dlg.wub}{#emotions_dlg.wub} See Zoey & Jasper's Tumblr page, too! Smile


A series of adorable images of a baby boy and his pet dog are guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Taken over several months, the photographs show the pair dressed in a range of identical costumes.

Rescue mongrel Zoey and ten-month-old baby Jasper are seen wearing anything from Mexican sombreros to bunny ears and space helmets as they sit side-by-side in all the shots.

That’s one small step for baby, one giant leap for animalkind! xoxo Zoey and Jasper

How fetching! Ten-month-old Jasper and his pet pooch Zoey star in a photo series wearing a huge variety of matching costumes, including astronaut helmets, sombreros and bunny ears

Zoey, a rescue dog, wears a viking hat in complete with braids, while Jasper smiles next to her

Zoey, a rescue dog, wears a viking hat in complete with braids, while Jasper smiles next to her

The photographs are the brain child of Jasper's mother Grace Chon, 34, from Los Angeles, who came up with the idea after dreaming up ways of getting creative between nap times.

Incredibly, Zoey needed little training in front of the camera and in fact eagerly sits in her special spot each time the costumes come out.

The dynamic duo sit patiently while wearing a pair of colanders for size

The dynamic duo sit patiently while wearing a pair of colanders for size

Ay carumba! The brains behind the adorable photo series is Jasper's mum, Grace Chon, 34, from Los Angeles, who came up with the idea after dreaming up ways of getting creative between nap times

Ay carumba! The brains behind the adorable photo series is Jasper's mum, Grace Chon, 34, from Los Angeles, who came up with the idea after dreaming up ways of getting creative between nap times

Jasper and his furry friend do their best Easter bunny impression - but Zoey looks less than amused

Jasper and his furry friend do their best Easter bunny impression - but Zoey looks less than amused

Hipster cool: The pair are too cute in knitted hats complete with bobbles and beards

Hipster cool: The pair are too cute in knitted hats complete with bobbles and beards

Zoey and Jasper look adorably studious in thick-framed Harry Potter-style glasses

Zoey and Jasper look adorably studious in thick-framed Harry Potter-style glasses

But it was only after searching on the internet for a dog to adopt that Grace discovered Zoey and instantly fell in love.

Grace said: 'It surprisingly wasn't difficult when I started the series to get both Zoey and Jasper looking straight into the camera.

'Usually when I photograph dogs, I use high reward treats or toys to get them to cooperate and look into the lens, however, Zoey for some unexplainable reason just loves dressing up and loves the camera.

According to Grace, Zoey 'for some unexplainable reason just loves dressing up and loves the camera'

According to Grace, Zoey 'for some unexplainable reason just loves dressing up and loves the camera'

Oh, la la! The friends channel their inner Frenchmen in berets, with Jasper sporting a drawn-on moustache

Oh, la la! The friends channel their inner Frenchmen in berets, with Jasper sporting a drawn-on moustache

They got kitted out in rainbow workout gear for one of the cute photos

They got kitted out in rainbow workout gear for one of the cute photos

'As soon as she sees the hats come out, she goes to her spot and poses, without the help of any enticing treat.

'There weren't very many places to take Jasper other than the grocery store or with me running errands, and I was looking for something fun for us to do in between his nap times.

'One day I put one of Jasper's hats on Zoey and had the epiphany that baby hats look really adorable on dogs, I shot an image of them sitting side-by-side wearing the same hat and the series was born.'

The duo do casual style in matching purple hooded sweatshirts

The duo do casual style in matching purple hooded sweatshirts

Grace said of adopting her dog: 'One day on a pet adoption website I spotted a little puppy's face staring back at me and I just knew in an instant that I had to adopt her'

Grace said of adopting her dog: 'One day on a pet adoption website I spotted a little puppy's face staring back at me and I just knew in an instant that I had to adopt her'

Tragically, Zoey was found shivering in the gutter outside a restaurant in Taiwan but was rescued by a passing student

Tragically, Zoey was found shivering in the gutter outside a restaurant in Taiwan but was rescued by a passing student

Jasper pulls a cute face as they strike a pose in identical orange headphones

Jasper pulls a cute face as they strike a pose in identical orange headphones

Grace said of adopting her dog: 'One day on a pet adoption website I spotted a little puppy's face staring back at me and I just knew in an instant that I had to adopt her.

'Her mother gave birth to Zoey and her siblings in front of a restaurant in Taiwan, but the owner of the restaurant came and promptly hosed them away because it was considered bad luck to have black dogs by the restaurant.

'Zoey was the runt of the litter and very sickly, so she's extremely shy and terrified of new people. I honestly wasn't sure if she would ever warm up to Jasper at all.

Grace said that Zoey started out being very shy around people, but now she is the first to run into Jasper's room when he wakes up

Grace said that Zoey started out being very shy around people, but now she is the first to run into Jasper's room when he wakes up

'Every new moment Zoey and Jasper share is a true triumph for Zoey overcoming her fears and I couldn't be prouder of her,' said Grace

'Every new moment Zoey and Jasper share is a true triumph for Zoey overcoming her fears and I couldn't be prouder of her,' said Grace

 The pair are two peas in a pod as they pose in matching party hats

The pair are two peas in a pod as they pose in matching party hats

The photographer has two other rescue dogs - Maeby and Funke - she and her family have adopted in addition to Zoey

The photographer has two other rescue dogs - Maeby and Funke - she and her family have adopted in addition to Zoey

Grace said she is 'so proud of Jasper for being such a gentle, compassionate little boy'

Grace said she is 'so proud of Jasper for being such a gentle, compassionate little boy'

'When Jasper was seven months old, Zoey rolled over to show Jasper her belly and asked for a belly rub.

'It was such a huge turning point for her, because before this she wouldn't let him get near her, after that, she warmed up to him so quickly that she would be the first to run into his room in the morning when he woke up.

'Every new moment Zoey and Jasper share is a true triumph for Zoey overcoming her fears and I couldn't be prouder of her, I am also so proud of Jasper for being such a gentle, compassionate little boy.'

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Re: Love dogs and toddlers? Check this out! :-)

Sweet story and pix OP!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Love dogs and toddlers? Check this out! :-)

Feline, those are adorable. Thanks for sharing.
Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Re: Love dogs and toddlers? Check this out! :-)

Zoey's doggie expressions just kill me. 8)

Valued Contributor
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Re: Love dogs and toddlers? Check this out! :-)

not too many stories and photos are so cute. Thanks

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Re: Love dogs and toddlers? Check this out! :-)

So cute! Yes they made me smile!
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Love dogs and toddlers? Check this out! :-)

Aww, loved reading this and seeing all the cute photos. Thank you, Feline Groovy.

Remarkable how Grace got them to sit still and pose.

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Re: Love dogs and toddlers? Check this out! :-)

How darling !!!!!!

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Posts: 10,376
Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Re: Love dogs and toddlers? Check this out! :-)

On 2/23/2015 LyndaGee said:

Aww, loved reading this and seeing all the cute photos. Thank you, Feline Groovy.

Remarkable how Grace got them to sit still and pose.


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Posts: 10,376
Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Re: Love dogs and toddlers? Check this out! :-)

Thanks for the appreciation... glad it tickled you all as well. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

I just want to cuddle both of them together, LOL.