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Re: Look What's New at Krispy Kreme!!

Love it!! I'm all about the Grinch 🎄🎄

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Re: Look What's New at Krispy Kreme!!

Adorable. Don't think we've been to KK since BC.

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Re: Look What's New at Krispy Kreme!!

Nothing compares to a freshly made Krisy Kreme donut.   Years ago, I purchased some from KK that were still warm and it was the best donut I've ever had.   My mouth is watering thinking about it.

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Re: Look What's New at Krispy Kreme!!

@happilyretiredgirl   We have a Krispy Kreme donut "factory" nearby. I can watch the donuts come down the shute, flip into the oil, onto a wire rack and then the icing comes down from above. A fellow is at the end of the line to box them up while still hot. Uh oh...need a kleenex since I'm drooling!!!!

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Re: Look What's New at Krispy Kreme!!

[ Edited ]

Those look delicious!!! I love the colors and the decorations on each donut 😊. 

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Re: Look What's New at Krispy Kreme!!

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

Nothing compares to a freshly made Krisy Kreme donut.   Years ago, I purchased some from KK that were still warm and it was the best donut I've ever had.   My mouth is watering thinking about it.

@San Antonio Gal 


And we have a special I think it's tomorrow, buy one regular price dozen donuts, get a dozen glazed for $1.




I've heard they're in grocery stores now so maybe they'll be coming to you soon.  Smiley Happy 

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Posts: 4,741
Registered: ‎06-04-2012

Re: Look What's New at Krispy Kreme!!

@Shanus wrote:

@happilyretiredgirl   We have a Krispy Kreme donut "factory" nearby. I can watch the donuts come down the shute, flip into the oil, onto a wire rack and then the icing comes down from above. A fellow is at the end of the line to box them up while still hot. Uh oh...need a kleenex since I'm drooling!!!!



We do too, love it!  


My now 28yr old son was little when they first came to Colorado and that was one of his favorite places.


Mesmerizing!  And when you see the "HOT" sign on you know it's time to stop!