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Re: Lindsey Lohan; Who Believes Her?

On 4/23/2014 LipstickDiva said:

I didn't watch the show but I feel very sorry for Lindsey. I think she is completely lost and that she has 2 nuts for parents who gave her no guidance at all.

As an aside, I too find it despicable that Oprah stooped to this. When she started OWN, she claimed she was doing it to show quality programming because one day she sat down to watch TV and all that was on were reality shows. She wanted to start a network and do something different.

Her network is a lot of reality shows!

Money is Oprah's first language...

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Registered: ‎03-01-2013

Re: Lindsey Lohan; Who Believes Her?

If she keeps smoking like a chimney, she is going to die of lung cancer or emphysema. She need to get her body clean, no drugs INCLUDING cigarettes.