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Re: Lifesaving Drug Goes From $13.50 A Pill To $750 A Pill, Overnight

Hi NoelSeven ~ What am I missing?  Generally, from what I have been told, a NEW drug gets 7 years before it can go generic, and then any drug company can make it, and pass the HUGE savings on to the public.  


This is not a NEW drug, so how can it be bought exclusively by this company?  

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Re: Lifesaving Drug Goes From $13.50 A Pill To $750 A Pill, Overnight

@Mistic wrote:

Hi NoelSeven ~ What am I missing?  Generally, from what I have been told, a NEW drug gets 7 years before it can go generic, and then any drug company can make it, and pass the HUGE savings on to the public.  


This is not a NEW drug, so how can it be bought exclusively by this company?  



We're on the same track!  I was under the impression that after a certain time, there isn't a patent on an already established drug, it can be copied and sold by others.


Some generics are not as good, but some are.


Maybe someone here knows.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Lifesaving Drug Goes From $13.50 A Pill To $750 A Pill, Overnight

Unfortunately, I'm used to the impotent rage I experience when reading a story like this.  As George Carlin used to say, the tables are tilted, folks, and the game is rigged.  He, of course, was referring to big business... the "real owners" of this country who he felt had bought and paid for it long ago.  Sad, but true!


With regard to the generics question, the NY Times article mentioned that Daraprim's distribution is now tightly controlled, making it harder for generic companies to acquire the samples they need for the required testing.

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Re: Lifesaving Drug Goes From $13.50 A Pill To $750 A Pill, Overnight

@AliJoi5 wrote:

Unfortunately, I'm used to the impotent rage I experience when reading a story like this.  As George Carlin used to say, the tables are tilted, folks, and the game is rigged.  He, of course, was referring to big business... the "real owners" of this country who he felt had bought and paid for it long ago.  Sad, but true!


With regard to the generics question, the NY Times article mentioned that Daraprim's distribution is now tightly controlled, making it harder for generic companies to acquire the samples they need for the required testing.



Yes, I don't get that.  Was the law changed when we weren't looking?  What? 


IMO, this nasty little outcome for sick people should be reason enough to change whatever it is that's allowing it. 

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Lifesaving Drug Goes From $13.50 A Pill To $750 A Pill, Overnight

I've known illegal drug dealers with more class and humanity...

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Re: Lifesaving Drug Goes From $13.50 A Pill To $750 A Pill, Overnight

@Q4u wrote:

This is so not right.... and even at the expensive new price, you'll find that the only mass trials are on the public, so that in a few years (as often happens) they find that the drug causes horrible side effects they had no idea would happen......


Meanwhile, they've made their billions before this happens...... 


That's why people that need medication should tell their doctor they want something older that's been on the market that they already know the side effects. People should refuse to take these new drugs they don't know the side effects yet. The older drugs are also have a lower price.

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Re: Lifesaving Drug Goes From $13.50 A Pill To $750 A Pill, Overnight

Mr henny has a topical medicine that is seven hundred a tube. We have a friend that gets it for him in Mexico for one hundred.

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Re: Lifesaving Drug Goes From $13.50 A Pill To $750 A Pill, Overnight

@gardensla wrote:

One can only hope that there's a special circle of hell reserved for him and those who put profit over all else. 



I truly believe there is. Karma. What goes around comes around.

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Re: Lifesaving Drug Goes From $13.50 A Pill To $750 A Pill, Overnight

I've been thinking about this.  It reminds me of laws against merchants taking advantage of people during a crisis, like increasing the price of batteries after an earthquake.  


Seems to me it could be a precedent.  This guy is taking advantage of patients desperate for the drug.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Lifesaving Drug Goes From $13.50 A Pill To $750 A Pill, Overnight

@hennypenny wrote:

Mr henny has a topical medicine that is seven hundred a tube. We have a friend that gets it for him in Mexico for one hundred.




A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices