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I’m still writing...13+ years later. 

Keepin' it real.
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Awe. Yes, to my mom, especially those first couple of years. Haven’t written one lately.
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When we buried our family dog in 2013, I wrote to her how

much she was loved and would be missed and taped some 

photos on the page. I will never forget that heartbreaking day.

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I've never written a letter, but I talk to them all the time, ask for guidance, ask for forgiveness, tell them how much I love them and miss them.  When my daughters do something that hurts me, I think of the times I did the same thing to my Mother and how it must have hurt her gentle soul.  And, nearly every day of my life, I wish I had followed the wise advice my Daddy gave me. I adored them, but as we all do, we wish we had told them more often, showed them every day how much we loved them. 


I'm an old lady and my Daddy passed 20 years ago, my Mother 10 years ago. I was so blessed to have them for so long and I can still feel their love surrounding me, but many days I sure long for just one more hug.  


My Mother had a beautiful marble bench put at the gravesite when my Daddy died.  It's my place to talk to them, to sit and cry when I change out the flowers.  

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  I don't write letters but I talk to my mom often. I talk to her about my feelings about what's going on in my life.

  I share my joys with mom along with my heartaches. I ask her to prey for me all the time. I believe she holds me up & points me in the right direction.


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For me it's mostly my Memere' that I talk to and ask for guidance.  Though both my parents have passed, she is the one I actually dream about.  I haven't dreamed about her in a little while now but for many years it was constant.  Nice comforting dreams, nothing frightening.   My mom always told me if you dream of the deceased that means they are asking for prayers . I say the rosary for all of them once in awhile but I haven't written any letters to them.

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I have a whole journal.  Heart

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I don't write letters, but I talk to them.  


I believe those that have passed are not far away.  They are at our side protecting us and guiding us.  Our souls never die.

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@Carmie, Yes, so true.  I once heard a statement about our souls, simple but profound.


”We don’t “have” souls.  We ARE souls.  That has really affected how I view life and others walking the same journey.

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I have not, nor do I think I ever would.