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Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

Who cares? I don't. Pick up a good book instead.

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Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

 The entire family enterprise is a disgrace.


I blocked TLC from my television line up, I don't watch any of their programming.

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Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

They're having the show, because there are thousands that have written the network and requestedit.  I also think, but am not positive about this, that it may have something to do with the contract that was already in place when the scandal about Josh broke.   This may also be a way to allow the Duggars to have at least two more paychecks since their program was so abruptly cancelled.  


My personal opinion is that one bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch, but the media prefers to point fingers and condemn the whole family for the misdeeds of one.  That is a travesty of justice, but so prevalent in today's world, sad to say.  I'd hate to think that if one person in my own family did something wrong, that everyone else in our family would be ostracized and badmouthed.  That would be unfair to the innocent.

"I always have a chair for you in the smallest parlor in the world, to wit, my heart." --Emily Dickinson
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Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

I won't be watching either.  To tell the truth, while I'm here, if this thread had a proper thread title, telling what it was actually about, I would not even have opened the thread.


I'm sure there will be those who will continue to think this is the most pure family in the world, despite the fact that parents made every effort to cover up for their pedophile son.  


Maybe if this new show is about these daughters, that's not so bad.  But they also covered it up and, it came to light, pretended like it was just nothing and, well, he said he was sorry.  (gag)


I do feel bad because these girls are uneducated and have no idea how to support themselves so, to them, it probably seems right to keep following this path.   This is the horrible ignorance over which they had no control.  Shame on people for raising kids like these parents did.  They still fancy themselves so far above others that it just makes me sick.

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Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

I see ANOTHER People magazine cover in their future!



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Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

@Beauty2B wrote:

They're having the show, because there are thousands that have written the network and requestedit.  I also think, but am not positive about this, that it may have something to do with the contract that was already in place when the scandal about Josh broke.   This may also be a way to allow the Duggars to have at least two more paychecks since their program was so abruptly cancelled.  


My personal opinion is that one bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch, but the media prefers to point fingers and condemn the whole family for the misdeeds of one.  That is a travesty of justice, but so prevalent in today's world, sad to say.  I'd hate to think that if one person in my own family did something wrong, that everyone else in our family would be ostracized and badmouthed.  That would be unfair to the innocent.

IMO there is more than ONE bad apple in that family.. They have appeared differently on tv, then they actually are.  

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Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

The entire family needs to go away and stay away.

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Registered: ‎05-08-2010

Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

@missy1 wrote:

@Q4u wrote:

I don't understand what on earth makes this family so fascinating?  I have absolutely no interest in them and feel their 15 minutes of fame has stretched uncomfortably  on too long as it is.....  Woman Indifferent 

I think viewers watched it, because the very large family seemed so perfect. 

They never claimed to be perfect.  Michelle even said that in their interview with Fox.  Her words were something to the effect "We aren't perfect.....that is why we need Jesus."


It would be a hard situation to be in and who knows what we would do when push comes to shove.  As far as the two daughters covering it up, they were very young, were under the parent's governing, and they were taught about forgiveness.  I am not aware that it happened again to the sisters.  I certainly hope not.  It is a VERY sad and serious situation.  Let's hope he gets the help he needs.  I would be so afraid to have him around those small children of his.

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!
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Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

My husband sometimes likes to watch golf tournaments on television.  I always thought that has to be the most boring thing ever.  I changed my mind - another mind numbing show about boring, boring people.   But being boring is the least of their concerns.  I think a whole lot more is bubbling under the surface in that family.  They are all total hypocrites.  Do as I say but not as I do.

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Posts: 383
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Let it go.....please make it stop.

I truely don't mean for my comment to be taken the wrong way. I never would have wasted my time opening this thread and waiting through the jumping if I'd known what the topic was.

Still Tabbycat ~~ Less is More ~~