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Was she in a movie?

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@september wrote:

Such a moving performance, especially with all the survivors on stage with her. I had tears in my eyes, and saw that many in the audience did, as well. 

It was beautiful.  What a voice she has!       

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I do not understand Sam Smith winning over her.  She was by far the best.  I like her when she was kooky also, because she has talent and can sing.  She was robbed tonight.  Not to mention her outfit was beautiful.

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I think Lady Gaga is an exceptional talent.  Just so good.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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@Karnerblue wrote:

Was she in a movie?

Yes, I didn't know either. Nominated for Best Original Song in "The Hunting Ground".

I would have liked to see her win.

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The competition is so intense that the final selections have to be somewhat arbitrary. 


Winning is HUGE, but being nominated is still an enormous statement.

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Yes a powerful subject handled by people who many throughout their careers have been "s  " violated to get where they are. And it is still going on there so...


Way to go Hollywood you put your exploitative band aid on it and can give yourself a big narcissistic pump on the back.


Sorry after the poor performance by Gaga at the Grammys I am gagga out and did not think her once again over the top performance was that great. 



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Never really been a Gaga fan - but her singing of the National Anthem and last night's song were absolutely fantastic.  

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She gave a very powerful and emotional performance.

Anytime the issue of rape and sexual assualt is brought to the forefront is a very good thing.
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Strong, impressive and beautiful. Knocked it out of the park!

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