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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

Headline in today's WSJ Business & Tech. section:


Holiday Slump Spurs Retail Rethink


It covers everything from high-end consumers pulling back, less foot traffic, online sales, rising wages, a warmer winter, shipping delays....and so on.  Sears will probably close more stores than they said they would last month.

Read it! New England Journal of Medicine—May 21, 2020
Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era

“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.
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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

I'm surprised that the one and only Sears in my town hasn't closed.......yet.





I honestly think that malls are a thing of the past. They had their hayday, but with so many people, including myself doing so much shopping on line, I can't help but to think that malls are quickly becoming dinosaurs.

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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

@brii wrote:

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@brii wrote:

Two things are hurting retail:


1.  Internest sales


2.  Returns from internet purchases to retail stores

A group of us were talking recently about on-line shopping and s/h.  I was appalled to find out that some of these women order things they don't want, just to qualify for free s/h.


They then return the unwanted merchandise to the store to get their money back.   They never pay s/h because this is what they always do.


Besides the fact that this seems so dishonest to me, I wouldn't want the hassle of having to make the return.

Omgosh, I never even thought of doing something like that.


That's terrible...

Doesn't surprise based on what I've read about here on these very forums. It kind of disgusts me the abuse of these policies that goes on. I never knew so many people were so shady. It hurts us all when people do things like that.

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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

I wouldn't generalize every person today wearing leggings.


I don't wear them out in public unless on the rare occasion that I have a nice dressy long sweater and heeled boots, but that said - my leggings are not cheap. 


I think the total bottom line to me is that people are shopping online. The Poster that said her friend is sick of hearing Amazon..I think that is a huge problem for retailers.

Amazon sells the same item are much like it for the same price and most have Prime they get it in Two-Days. It gets no better than that..I know for me.


I like OUR Kohls..and the other two in a 30-mile radius are very nice, neat, well stocked. I hate Kohl's online as it takes forever to unles I really want the - Kohls has many name brands - the same ones Macy's has much cheaper and with the exception of a can use coupons. I also find their Jennifer Lopez, Rock Republic and Juicy Couture line really well priced for the quality. No I don't Rock Republic and Juicy but my 23-year-old daughter does lol.. 


My go-to places for my grandkids when I shop from them..are usually the Outlets I pass daily..but they have a online presence so I can do that..(Chilren's Place, Carters, Oshkosh, Gymboree, Kids Gab) .and not trapse around the huge Mall..Often though I can get the Carters and Oshkosh clothing cheaper at Kohl's with their Power Hours (usually 55-60% off..) and a additional coupon..Yes Rewards and Kohl's Cash..cannot beat the price of six bucks for Oshkosh clothing. 


So I think online shopping and Amazon is really kicking addition I noticed Walmart also has third party vendors on their site..but falls under Walmart policy.



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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

[ Edited ]

@HappyDaze wrote:

@brii wrote:

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@brii wrote:

Two things are hurting retail:


1.  Internest sales


2.  Returns from internet purchases to retail stores

A group of us were talking recently about on-line shopping and s/h.  I was appalled to find out that some of these women order things they don't want, just to qualify for free s/h.


They then return the unwanted merchandise to the store to get their money back.   They never pay s/h because this is what they always do.


Besides the fact that this seems so dishonest to me, I wouldn't want the hassle of having to make the return.

Omgosh, I never even thought of doing something like that.


That's terrible...

Doesn't surprise based on what I've read about here on these very forums. It kind of disgusts me the abuse of these policies that goes on. I never knew so many people were so shady. It hurts us all when people do things like that.









In the past, I have seen posts where women have bragged about buying something (an outfit, purse, etc) and wearing it for a special event, only to return it afterwards.



These are probably the same people who  complain about getting "the letter" for excessive returns.

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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

THe topic of B & M vs online shopping came up yesterday among a group of us and it was interesting how many prefer (I am one) to shop at the store in stead of online BUT can not find assistance or what we're looking for so we wind up buying it online.


That led to what has happened to CS; why is the merchandise in so many stores flimsy junk yet expensive and do we think the stores will go under? These are all valid questions and I think are contributing to why business are losing money.


In the end, I can sit home, spend no gas, not deal with rude SA's, find exactly what I'm looking for,  purchase with some kind of an online code and have it ship for free. Multiply that by thousands and thousands of people and well, you can see what's happening.


I remember when JCP sold nice stuff... not it's Walmart quality. My local Nordstroms has changed dramatically from what it was 18 years ago when it opened. It has lost all the designers, redesigned the interior to show less merchandise but take up more space (not fooling anyone), has little to no home items and did away with the CS department. Even the shoe department is primarily UGGS and faddish fun shoes for teens/20 somethings that are expensive but not practical for the professional woman. There is no jewelry department any longer, just cases spread out here and there.. it's bleh. Why? Don't know but I DO know that cosmetics is what is keeping my Nordstroms open.


Local Macy's and Kohls are staying but I never see anyone there (at least, few cars in the parking lot).

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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!



Good points!  There used to be people in stores to help you find what you needed, no more.


Macy's is always a mess around here, I almost never go in there anymore.


A good thing about QVC is that the clothes I buy here are almost always the correct size, they are consistent.  I mostly buy tops, knit shirts and something to go over them.  Pants are difficult because I'm short, but once in awhile I find some in my length.

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Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

I will take the blame...Woman LOL  I shop online.  I hate crowds and I like to look carefully and buying from Amazon allows me time to research and check it out.  And believe it or not things fit me by looking at them better than they do by trying them on.  Go figure that one out.  More choices and lots of good descriptions.



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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Kohls Closing 18 Stores!!!

I shop at Kohl's both online and in the store. I need to try my clothes on. I can almost never buy without doing so. I can go into Kohl's and try on what I'm interested in and buy there, and if they don't have it in the color/size I want I will order it online. Now because I know how certain lines within Kohl's fit me, I can and do take more chances ordering online. And yes, if something turns out to be not what I expected, I like being able to return it free, locally.


In most stores, there are no longer any sales associates as they used to exist. There is no one to do much of anything except ring you up - if you can even find someone to do that.  And don't bother asking if they have more of something. The stock answer, even when it isn't true, is "No, it's all out on the floor." Stores like Kohl's, Penneys, Sears have maybe 2-3 register areas on an entire floor, with obscenely long lines. I HATE that and will sometimes just give up and walk out if I'm only buying one sale item. I don't need it that bad!  


Lack of actual sales *help* and long lines in store are two reasons people choose online vs b&m stores.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all