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On 12/2/2014 IsadooraDuncan said: Kim entertained troops on a US aircraft carrier in Dubai prior to flying home to spend Thanksgiving with her family.

They probably enjoyed the eye candy.

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Registered: ‎12-02-2014
The pics showed a lot of happy sailors.
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Registered: ‎03-22-2014
On 12/2/2014 KittyLouWhoToo said:
On 12/2/2014 IsadooraDuncan said: Kim entertained troops on a US aircraft carrier in Dubai prior to flying home to spend Thanksgiving with her family.

What exactly did she do to entertain them?

Kitty I was reading articles about Bob Hope after seeing the thread about him and it looks like the USO tours always had ""eye candy"" celebs along with the actual entertainers.

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Registered: ‎01-20-2011
She had to be eye candy....she has no specific talents(and I saw the scandalous kim n Ray J tape!).lol