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Re: Khloe Kardashian's remarks about baby son

@Lakelife62 wrote:

I wish everyone would just accept how other families are rather than pointing to them as some kind of existential threat. Have kids, don't have kids, have two parents or not, have hetero parents or not. It makes no difference in anybody else's life except those who are living it.

What I love the most about these types of posts are people with no children/partner/relationships with others seeming to think they have the lock on what makes a successful family when they couldnt/didn't/wouldn't make one for themselves.

@Lakelife62 No way do I not think children suffer.  It sure makes a difference to the kids!  It isn't just what I think either.  Talk to some kids.

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Re: Khloe Kardashian's remarks about baby son

The surrogacy and fertility industry is a scam. That’s why. I was diagnosed infertile over 25 years ago and I’m only 40. I would never use a surrogate and would never do IVF. The baby is always the one to suffer in these situations. Especially when the baby is ripped away from the woman that carried him or her. Khloe never got to bond with the baby for 9 months. Renting the womb of a woman to have a baby and just kick her to the curb when she’s done should be illegal.
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Re: Khloe Kardashian's remarks about baby son


"I wish everyone would just accept how other families are rather than pointing to them as some kind of existential threat. Have kids, don't have kids, have two parents or not, have hetero parents or not. It makes no difference in anybody else's life except those who are living it.

What I love the most about these types of posts are people with no children/partner/relationships with others seeming to think they have the lock on what makes a successful family when they couldnt/didn't/wouldn't make one for themselves."



People are just voicing opinions like you do so eloquently so often.  No one is telling people to stop doing what they are doing.  Everyone has a family even people without children.  Do you think childless people were raised by wolves?

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Re: Khloe Kardashian's remarks about baby son

She is completely plastic like most of her sisters. Couldn't care less about her problems. And poor choices. 

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Re: Khloe Kardashian's remarks about baby son

I’m not sure what her expectation was. The situation was different, so yes it felt different.


The confusion for me is why. People have babies via surrogates every day. People adopt every day. They bond with their children.


I think it was her expectation that caused the problem. Not the method.

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Re: Khloe Kardashian's remarks about baby son

She had no reason for using a surrogate for a baby with her ex. If he is an ex, then why another baby? The world does not need to hear her every thought or feeling, unfiltered, in real time. That family never ceases to a,and me with out dysfunctional they are. I do feel pit for every one of their children, growing up in such a horrible environment. Clearly no guidance, no moral compass, no basic values. All they know is dysfunction.

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Re: Khloe Kardashian's remarks about baby son

@lgfan wrote:


"I wish everyone would just accept how other families are rather than pointing to them as some kind of existential threat. Have kids, don't have kids, have two parents or not, have hetero parents or not. It makes no difference in anybody else's life except those who are living it.

What I love the most about these types of posts are people with no children/partner/relationships with others seeming to think they have the lock on what makes a successful family when they couldnt/didn't/wouldn't make one for themselves."



People are just voicing opinions like you do so eloquently so often.  No one is telling people to stop doing what they are doing.  Everyone has a family even people without children.  Do you think childless people were raised by wolves?

It's passing judgement on someone's ability to conceive, carry and raise a child based on someone else's  antiquated rules. There are people here who have no children, no partner and no extended family, admitting they dont bother with their relatives, who consistently remark negatively on the children and marriages/ relationships of others. Clean your own house before judging someone who's shoes you'll never walk in.

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Re: Khloe Kardashian's remarks about baby son

@Coconut4 wrote:
The surrogacy and fertility industry is a scam. That’s why. I was diagnosed infertile over 25 years ago and I’m only 40. I would never use a surrogate and would never do IVF. The baby is always the one to suffer in these situations. Especially when the baby is ripped away from the woman that carried him or her. Khloe never got to bond with the baby for 9 months. Renting the womb of a woman to have a baby and just kick her to the curb when she’s done should be illegal.

It is not a scam to people who would not have children but for fertility treatments or surrogacy. You choose not to pursue these avenues, which is your choice, but your proclamations shouldn't be applied to people you don't and never will know.

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Re: Khloe Kardashian's remarks about baby son

She knew he was a snake when she took him in the first time. It's like the saying about repeating the same mistake being an exercise in insanity. Perhaps if she cultivated a relationship with someone other than an arrogant, irresponsible pro sports star, things might be different.

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Re: Khloe Kardashian's remarks about baby son

WHY ANYONE cares about HER or her TRASHY, DYSFUNCTIONAL family members and their boyfriends, BEYOND me. They are SO IRRELEVANT.