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Re: John F. Kennedy 5/29/17 - 11/22/63

Hard to think it's been 52 years & yet seems like only yesterday.


We know what really happened:  LHO just got "lucky" about managing to be in the "right" place at the "right" time, as did Jack Ruby.


No conspiracies.  Human nature being what it is, nobody, American or otherwise, would have been able to keep a secret. He/she/they would have enough ego to have wanted to tell someone what they knew.

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Re: John F. Kennedy 5/29/17 - 11/22/63

@Perkup wrote:


@Nightowlz wrote:

I have always wondered what really happened. After all these years does not look like we will ever really know.

My question exactly.  I was married, living in Memphis. DH and my then three children were having lunch - egg salad sandwiches, milk  and apple slices. We were watching As The World Turns when Walter Cronkite interrupted. We had been recording the children singing and our 6 hour recorder was on a side table by DH at the time. He switched it on, so we have a long taped recording of the entire day. Interesting, because the children had dozens of questions, and they became part of the recording.  


Some years later I watched an interview with the wife of then Governor John Connally. She had no question in her mind about the event. She said that from her vantage point in the convertible with the Kennedys, she was 100% certain that there were two shooters. She explained where the shots came from, and had a very believable explanation of how the bullets hit both Kennedy and her husband. I was sufficiently impressed with her explanation that I totally bellieved it.  Still do.




Will we ever know?  Probably not - there's no one left in the family now except Caroline, and it seems to me that enough time has passed for our citizens to know what really happened. Transparency?  

do you remember a man called "Sweet Willie Wine" from the Memphis news? 

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Re: John F. Kennedy 5/29/17 - 11/22/63

I had just turned 9 so I must have been in the fourth or fifth grade.   All I really recall is that I didn't understand too much.  Keep in mind that my childhood was wretched so all my energy went into surviving, so I didn't know a lot going on outside my little world.


Anyway, back then we had those 'cloak room' things in the back of the classroom.  It wasn't an actual room and, IIRC, there was just a curtain separating the cloak area from the rest of the classroom.   I remember some of the girls going back there and crying.   I think they sent us home, but I'm not certain as my memory is  bit hazy.



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Re: John F. Kennedy 5/29/17 - 11/22/63

I just realized today is Nov. 22.  The memories flooded back.  I was a senior in high school and in Secretarial Training class.   When the announcement was made that President Kennedy had been assassinated, it seemed that everyone froze in shocked silence.


Each year on the anniversary, the event was relived.  I have noticed in the last couple years, less time has been given to the events of that sad day and this year nothing.  I guess it's no longer news worthy.  I am so glad I found this thread!

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Re: John F. Kennedy 5/29/17 - 11/22/63

The intro to gilligan's island (b&w) was being filmed in hawaii that day. When they pan the shoreline the flag is at half mast. With the time change everyone was listening to the radio.

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Re: John F. Kennedy 5/29/17 - 11/22/63

I remember I was home from school with a sprained ankle and was at my Italian grandmother's with my mother.  She was watching tv and I heard her cry out in Italina "oh my God" and she started praying in Italian.

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Re: John F. Kennedy 5/29/17 - 11/22/63

@Pearlee wrote:

@Tinkrbl44     JFK's date of birth.  People are often referenced that way - date of birth to date of death.


Oh, good grief, for some reason I read that date as 5/29/2017 !!!      


No wonder it didn't make any sense to me!   LOL      Thanks!!

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Re: John F. Kennedy 5/29/17 - 11/22/63

I was a 16 year old college freshman. I will NEVER forget that day. It was the end of innocence for my generation,

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Re: John F. Kennedy 5/29/17 - 11/22/63

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@Tinkrbl44     JFK's date of birth.  People are often referenced that way - date of birth to date of death.


Oh, good grief, for some reason I read that date as 5/29/2017 !!!      


No wonder it didn't make any sense to me!   LOL      Thanks!!

@Tinkrbl44   LOL - that IS funny since 2017 hasn't yet occurred.  I thought you were just giving me a hard time! LOL!

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Re: John F. Kennedy 5/29/17 - 11/22/63

[ Edited ]

I was at a coffee house last night where a folk group was singing.   I pulled the lead singer aside and mentioned today would be the anniversary of JFK's death and asked him to sing Dion's Abraham, Martin and John.  He was flabbergasted that the date hadn't occurred to him (he well remembers the assassinations - well, not Lincoln's of course) and did perform my requested song. He did a lovely rendition of it,  which brought tears to my eyes, thinking about JFK and Nov. 22nd 1963 especially, MLK And Bobby Kennedy whose assissinations I well remember. Listening to that song made me very sad to think what happened in that decade. Smiley Sad


"Abraham, Martin And John"

Anybody here seen my old friend Abraham?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed lotta people but it seems the good they die young
You know I just looked around and he's gone

Anybody here seen my old friend John?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed lotta people but it seems the good they die young
I just looked around and he's gone

Anybody here seen my old friend Martin?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed lotta people but it seems the good they die young
I just looked around and he's gone

Didn't you love the things that they stood for?
Didn't they try to find some good for you and me?
And we'll be free
Some day soon, it's gonna be one day

Anybody here seen my old friend Bobby?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
I thought I saw him walkin' up over the hill
With Abraham, Martin, and John
Dion's original version: