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@San Antonio Gal wrote:

@qbetzforreal wrote:

@Yetiyea wrote:

I can't watch Jayne B. Her constant fake laugh gets on my nerves. I'm not against laughing but she over does it. And now she's got Gary laughing constantly when he is on with her. 

Maybe Gary's laughing because he enjoys working with Jayne.

@qbetzforreal  - I was going to say the same thing.  Laughter is a good in my book.

@San Antonio Gal @qbetzforreal They are a dynamic duo, I love Gary's laugh, he comes alive working with Jayne.

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Saying "fall" in almost-August is no biggie if saying Christmas in April is fine.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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NO---no one person rushes the seasons---it's retail that rushes the seasons!!! I worked retail for years and starting  the 5th of July, or soon after, was when most of the holiday freight would start coming thru the door---it was stored in the freight room and then there would be a few shelves/racks on the floor,  that would have small sections of stuff for sale, then it would slowly creep up to invade the rest of the store. By the end of August beginning of Sept, Halloween would be blazing and full in nearly the whole store!! Then the other hholidays would start in the back and end up all over. I would be seeing Halloween from July thru to Nov 1st---Man alive--I HATED  that holiday!!

Been gone from that job since 2009 ---and that hatred is just about gone---not the hoilday as much as the prep for it or the stupid way corporate treated us peons working it!!

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Fall is the one season I loved growing up in the Northeast. I miss it where I live now in the Southeast. They can say Fall all they want!

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@Estellee wrote:

I don't get a Fall season where I live, just a little cooler December through February.

same here

Harmonize the World
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Fal, Fall, Fall, Fall, Fall FALL!!!!!!
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Registered: ‎10-29-2019
Winter, winter come on WINTER!!!
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Suzanne Runyan over on HSN just said Pumpkin Patch, and she didn't whisper it.