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Of Jay and the Americans--Cara Mia, Let's Lock the Door, etc. at the age of 82.



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Registered: ‎03-29-2020

Re: Jay Black RIP

[ Edited ]

oh, that's too bad. I've heard--I don't know if it's true but his singing sounds like it could be--a trained opera singer.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Jay Black RIP

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I posted in another thread that I had seen the current group of Jay and the Americans in recent times. I never saw them with Jay Black.


However, even though they are older, they are so fun to watch and sound fab.  They tell such intersting and funny stories from their beginnings....of meeting Neil Diamond, Steely Dan and others.


Very talented and Jay Black's voice was amazing!


Yes, he will be missed.

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Posts: 3,586
Registered: ‎03-29-2020

Re: Jay Black RIP

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I generally don't like opera singers; to me they sound way too loud and off key. But if Jay was a trainers opera singer, he knew how to do it without screaming, or off-key. He had what I always think of as a muscular voice without screaming, and very pleasing to the ear.

Thank you for all your music.