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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

@corita wrote:

I was surprised that the verdict ended up life in prison.  With all that carnage and pain, I think he deserved the death penalty.  I hope that this jury decision brings closure to the families of those that were hurt or killed.


That's EXACTLY what he deserves. Too bad the jury got it WRONG.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

I really thought the verdict would be the death penalty.  He certainly left a lot of carnage in his wake with 12 deaths and injured another 70+ people.  This crime was well planned by JH.  I'm thinking there was one holdout for the DP. 

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

@Pearlee wrote:

I'm thinking sharke meant "prison justice."

As I said, that's vigilantism.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

He may not go to a regular prison, there are prisons for the criminally insane.  That would probably be better, more restraints, medication to calm him down.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

He'll suffer the most every single second of every single day - for at least the next 18,250 of them (50 years).


To me, justice has been served.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

@SharkE wrote:

He will get justice.



He did. The jury acted the way our Constitution intended it to.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

[ Edited ]

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

I'm thinking sharke meant "prison justice."

As I said, that's vigilantism.

Justice and vigilanteism don't have to be different things.

If you have never seen the film Witness for the Prosecution, watch it some time. It's a great film and the last line of it is relevant to this discussion.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

Vigilantism is mob rule.

That is not what our Constitution mandates as justice.
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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

I think the verdict is as it should be. I'm not necessarily against the DP, but in this case, I don't think it would have ever been carried out and there would be endless appeals, costing the taxpayers and giving more attention to this nut.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

@Lila Belle wrote:
Vigilantism is mob rule.

That is not what our Constitution mandates as justice.

Thank you, I'll add as well that prisons are not designated to mete out the 'justice' that has been hinted at here.........