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James Holmes Verdict Reached

[ Edited ]

The jury in the Colorado movie theater killings has reached a verdict.  Verdict will be announced at 7 p.m. eastern.


Coverage will be carried live at



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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached




Thank you for the info, will be watching the later news.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

Hi Marp,


Thanks for the thread, I had heard this announcement on MSNBC...I will be watching. 

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

I will be very surprised if he doesn't get the death penalty.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

@Pearlee wrote:

I will be very surprised if he doesn't get the death penalty.

I dunno, clearly he is mentally ill and has been for quite some time.  The bigger question is whether the jury 'cares'.......

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

Well, I wasn't discussing the questions involved in my post -- only that I think he'll get the death penalty.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

@Pearlee wrote:

I will be very surprised if he doesn't get the death penalty.

I will be too, Pearlee.


I am very much against the death penalty, but I think the jury will decide that way.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

thanks for the info :-)


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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

I will be very surprised if he doesn't get the death penalty.

I will be too, Pearlee.


I am very much against the death penalty, but I think the jury will decide that way.


Unfortunately, I think you are right about the jury.

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Re: James Holmes Verdict Reached

No unanimous verdict means life WOP on all counts.

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