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Just watched Dirty Little Secret..........What she did to that man was heinous

She never came out and said why she brutally murderd him

Formerly catlover with over 10,000 posts
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 As far as I know, she murdered him because he didn't want her anymore.

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She testified that she killed him in self defense.

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she lied about everything

I think it was unrequited love

Also he pretty much was using her for sex

Formerly catlover with over 10,000 posts
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She is the definition of a sociopath.

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She was jealous cause he broke up with her. And, she is a sociopath.

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I watched the whole trial on HLN. She had several different versions of her story. Self Defense was 1 of them. 


hckynut🥅🏒 🇺🇸

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@catlover7777 wrote:

she lied about everything

I think it was unrequited love

Also he pretty much was using her for sex


Yes, once she knew she was only a sex object to him, that he had tired of her and wanted to move on, his days were numbered. 


Criminologists, psychiatrists, psychologists et all will commonly say the most dangerous time in a person's life is when the partner leaves or there is a perception of being left. 




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@SilleeMee wrote:

She testified that she killed him in self defense.


I watched the trial. There is no way anyone could think it was self defense. She's just a nutcase who didn't like it when he wanted to break up. She belongs in prison for the rest of her life.

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I did watch or listen to all the trial and he was the one that at first wanted the bad girl and still to lead a a life of lies about seeing her!  According to friends' testomony he kept seeing her off and on thus making her think she could be with him permanently!  While that is no excuse for murder he should have had some idea of how scary crazy she was but kept seeing her off and on!  Just seeing her studying to join his religion should have tipped him off she was too serious about him!