Picture the hottest summer day you can imagine. You are likely inside during the warmest hours, or maybe you’ve put on your bathing suit to enjoy a dip at the pool. But what about squirrels? How do these furry friends stay cool in the heat of the summer?  
Squirrels have several ways of chilling out on warm days. For one thing, they are more active in the morning and at dusk, making sure they avoid the hottest part of the day. During those stifling afternoon hours, they rest, which keeps them from overheating. Perhaps you’ve seen a squirrel lounging in the crook of a tree, its little legs and tail dangling below!   
Squirrels may also press themselves against the ground or a thick horizontal tree branch, stretching out so they are flat like a pancake. This position helps to refresh them, especially when they rest against a cool surface, such as a shaded path. In addition, squirrels lick their forearms, which adds moisture that absorbs the heat from their bodies, then evaporates into the air.