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Re: It should not be celebrated...

@Qshopper1991 wrote:



These are not "questions" they are judgmental statements.



Nope.  That's called reality.  I lived it so I know.  I hated looking in a mirror.  And I sure did not accept the way I looked or felt. 


Obese people get offended at the truth.  And the truth is that most overweight people can't stand to live in their skin.

And there are a lot of thin people who can’t stand to live in their skin.  

Thin does not always equate with health and beauty.


We all have something that we battle with even if it’s not apparent by looking at us. 

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Re: It should not be celebrated...

It's my understanding that there are obesity genes, not a morbid obesity gene and diet and exercise counteract those genes.  The FTO gene is one of others associated with obesity. 

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Re: It should not be celebrated...

@sidsmom wrote:

Would this be acceptable for a well-known magazines cover?



Of course not, but this looks photoshopped.


That head, while not being exactly "plump", isn't anorexic looking, either.  


This photo just screams "Fake"

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Re: It should not be celebrated...

[ Edited ]

OP, it is no longer legal to deny coverage for prexisting conditions,  Your higher premiums pay for more advanced services.You will get very different services based on your plan.My husband and only I pay2,700 monthly.A mortgages payment for many.When we need care or drs we receive first class service and treatment.yup,you get what you pay for.As for those high premiums?We all share the cost of people living much longer,those without insurance, those who abuse Ers like  drs offices for minor,minor booboos and colds.And for those that dont Think they should pay for healthcare. 

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Re: It should not be celebrated...

[ Edited ]

@phoenixbrd wrote:



@sidsmom,  Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if high fashion models don't somewhat resemble this without their clothes, ( I'll probably be eaten alive, but Megan Markel's legs look like this.)  Clothes hide a multitude of sins....either way.  


I'm learning in life to follow the middle pillar...but society sometimes adulates/criticizes the extremes. It takes learning acceptance and loving yourself before you can incorporate healthier changes.  A healthy mind creates a healthy body.  


Most of the people on My 600 Pound Life desperately want to change.  Obviously, they are not flaunting their current life style.  Dr. Now offers them an alternative and, my guess, would be that if he required a healthy nutrient dense lifestyle that the success rate would be above 5%. We know that living a life of calorie restriction is not healthy or realistic. Our weight is a complex issue and I don't doubt that overweight people have attempted many times to remedy obesity.   My heart goes out to those with the courage, motivation, willingness, and persistence to change their lifestyle.





I am really stunned that you would say that Megan Markle's legs look like this.



She is very slim, but OMG, she is certainly NOT all skin and bones.


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Re: It should not be celebrated...

Funny to see people muddy the waters by bringing up ‘genes’.

I could post studies & excel spreadsheets showing those rare, few

individuals who were born with that 1 little chromosome which might  

factor a little bit....and that’s all people will hear.


Fact is, 95+% of the time, ‘genetics’ is just familial habits.

If you were born in that other rare -5%, it still no excuse

to have 30-40-50+% body fat. 


As the saying goes,

”Genes loads the gun; Food pulls the trigger”

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Re: It should not be celebrated...

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny to see people muddy the waters by bringing up ‘genes’.

I could post studies & excel spreadsheets showing those rare, few

individuals who were born with that 1 little chromosome which might  

factor a little bit....and that’s all people will hear.


Fact is, 95+% of the time, ‘genetics’ is just familial habits.

If you were born in that other rare -5%, it still no excuse

to have 30-40-50+% body fat. 


As the saying goes,

”Genes loads the gun; Food pulls the trigger”

@sidsmom, as I said above, I don't believe there is any such gene for morbid obesity.  I think there are genes for regular old obesity but as I also said above, I think healthy eating and exercise counteracts that.


I'm certainly not going to blame the fact that I need to lose weight on genes.    

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Re: It should not be celebrated...

We all make observations, that's what our eyes do for us.  Someone is heavy, someone is this or that.  Where we go off kilter is when we assign flaw on which we make assumptions that can be so far off the mark as to be laughable.   


There's some interesting reading if you google:  The history of the ideal woman and where that has left us.  It goes back to artifacts found from pre-history.


When you think about it, the concept of ideal changes fairly dramatically over time.  We just happen to be living in a time of devaluing people for their body shape.




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Re: It should not be celebrated...

@GenXmuse wrote:

@occasionalrain wrote:

Everyone judges and there is nothing gained by the pretense/lie that some claim to be nonjudgmental. The same ones judging those who are honest in finding this model unattractive see nothing wrong in shaming them.


When I see parents in grocery stores with their young children and carts full of soda, chips, frozen dinners, Lunchables, Twinkies...I judge them as responsible for promoting overweight teenagers, adults and being lousy parents.


I'm not overweight,  never have been, maybe because I had none of that junk food when I was a child.

Well, of course not.  You are above reproach in everything. 

I try to be above reproach and the sort of person I admire but I have the speeding tickets that let me down.

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Re: It should not be celebrated...

The skeletal woman in the photograph died of Anorexia in 2006.