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Re: It's the Kardashian Trifecta - Khloe is Pregnant Too!

Kendall needs to get crackin'! Lol.

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Re: It's the Kardashian Trifecta - Khloe is Pregnant Too!

@handygal2 wrote:

Kendall needs to get crackin'! Lol.

@handygal2  LOL   Smiley Happy

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Re: It's the Kardashian Trifecta - Khloe is Pregnant Too!

Other than Kim, seems no one wants to be married before they procreate.  And Kim's first was baby then marriage.


Kourtney kept making babies with a man she wouldn't marry.  She may have a point since he is an alcoholic, but if you won't marry him, why make 3 children with him?


Kylie is very unwise, and the prognosis for a long term relationship (like marriage) isn't very good.  This was a bad idea for her.


I think Khloe made every attempt to save her marriage with Lamar Odom.  However, drugs and bad behavior were more important to him.  She should be marrying her child's father if he's that great.


Lest we forget Rob!  We all knew his relationship with his baby mama had a close expiration date.  It lasted even less than I would have predicted!


I don't care if you are rich and famous.  Children feel better if their parents are married.


It all feels like make believe.





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Re: It's the Kardashian Trifecta - Khloe is Pregnant Too!

Tristan Thompson has a 9 month old baby with his ex-girlfriend.  He and Khloe have been dating for 1 year. 


Supposedly he wants 5 or 6 kids with Khloe. 

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Re: It's the Kardashian Trifecta - Khloe is Pregnant Too!

My sister, two SILs, and I were pregnant at the same time. It was a fun time popping out baby after baby. lol


I don't "keep up" with the Kardashians, but best of luck to them. They certainly know how to generate interest judging by how many people keep detailed notes about their family.

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Re: It's the Kardashian Trifecta - Khloe is Pregnant Too!

if they are all pregnant , i wish them all the best. may they be happy and healthy babies and may they have a lot of love and support along the way.


since kim has had two babies herself, was there any reason why she chose to use a surrogate for their next baby (if that story is true?)

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Re: It's the Kardashian Trifecta - Khloe is Pregnant Too!

[ Edited ]
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Re: It's the Kardashian Trifecta - Khloe is Pregnant Too!

@sunshine45 wrote:

if they are all pregnant , i wish them all the best. may they be happy and healthy babies and may they have a lot of love and support along the way.


since kim has had two babies herself, was there any reason why she chose to use a surrogate for their next baby (if that story is true?)

@sunshine45 It wasn't medically safe for her to carry another baby. With both previous pregnancies she had an issue where the placenta refused to detach. I can't remember the exact medical term anymore. She had some surgery and testing to see if they could prevent future issues but it wasn't deemed safe in the end. 

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Re: It's the Kardashian Trifecta - Khloe is Pregnant Too!

[ Edited ]

@Daisy wrote:

I wish them well, but I don't get all excited or happy for someone who's having a baby when they're not married...especially for a 20 yr. old who's been dating the guy for a short time.


I know someone who was unmarried and had a baby shortly after high school. The way the family and friends carried on at the baby shower, you'd think they had thought it was the most wonderful thing in the world. I guess now a days they think nothing of it...and will even have a baby shower to boot.

Well as a woman that had a baby while not being married, in my 20s that child has been the joy of life. Those of us who've had kids without being married first don't need anyone elses approval in our life decisions. 


Oh and not that it's any of your business, the father of my child, was a short term relationship where we parted friends before I ever found out I was pregnant. That doesn't change a darned thing though. 


You do you, and I'll do me and let other do themselves as they see fit. 

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Re: It's the Kardashian Trifecta - Khloe is Pregnant Too!

@jaxs mom wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

if they are all pregnant , i wish them all the best. may they be happy and healthy babies and may they have a lot of love and support along the way.


since kim has had two babies herself, was there any reason why she chose to use a surrogate for their next baby (if that story is true?)

@sunshine45 It wasn't medically safe for her to carry another baby. With both previous pregnancies she had an issue where the placenta refused to detach. I can't remember the exact medical term anymore. She had some surgery and testing to see if they could prevent future issues but it wasn't deemed safe in the end. 




oh i understand! i dont remember hearing that before.

thanks @jaxs mom. Smiley Happy

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein