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Re: It's A Free Country Man.

Obviously, the "free country person" hasn't lived with an HOA........

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: It's A Free Country Man.

@CrazyKittyLvr2 ...Bravo, I read it three times.  The "It's a free country, man" doesn't have to wear a mask and he can swim wherever he wants to without a vest, when they have a funeral for him there will be silent whispers of, "If only he had listened."  

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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Re: It's A Free Country Man.

@Memebell wrote:

A little tolerance and respect for people who don't have the same views as you would go a long way..... 


I don't get the level of animosity many on these boards express at times.   

As for teaching non mask wearers a lesson by advocating they deserve what they get, I would like to ask one question.    In a hurricane, should we rescue those who refused to leave their homes they worked all their lives for or just leave them to die cause they didn't heed the warning? 


The America I know is more compassionate than that.   And more loving still are our first responders who won't hesitate a moment to risk their lives for you one day when you may make a decision that wasnt too smart.  Thank God they don't have the attitude sometime expressed on the boards.  

Some people on these boards have no compassion, no empathy and are extremely judgemental.  They believe they are perfect and do not understand why everyone does not believe and live as they do.  Over time it is not hard to figure out who they are.  Most just let them rant and are thankful they are not part of their real lives.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: It's A Free Country Man.

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

Last week our local news aired a segment that 4 people drowned in the last month in the Delaware River at Delaware Water Gap.  A State Trooper or Park Ranger urged everyone to wear vests when in a boat, or in and around water and general rules for water safey.


Well. tonite in the segment where viewers call in, a youngish man commented, "masks, now vests in boats, it's free country man."


Yep, it is.  However, should your free azz end up in the drink, you going to want someone to risk their life to save yours. If you drown because you didn't want to put a vest  on your "free" body, divers will risk themselves to bring your body to your family.


My sympathy level and tolerence for people is about at zero.  My feeling is, you fall in, good luck, you are free..  Go with God.


And yes, people do risky ****** all the time, but others have to risk their lives because of them. No sense of self-preservation.


Being free includes responsibilities....including not to hurt others or put others at risk.


Mandatory auto insurance, ok.

Seat belts required, ok.

Wear pants when in public, ok.

Gun permits required, ok.

Don't cough on people, ok.

Don't drink and drive, ok  

The government knows every personal detail about you, ok.

Don't smoke on airplanes, ok.

Stop at red lights, ok.

Wear a mask, It's a free country and I don't want to tantrum.



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Re: It's A Free Country Man.

Read a quote the other day from one of my "countrymen". (FL)


To paraphase "Why should I wear a mask to make others feel comfortable?"



It's not that hard, folks.

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Re: It's A Free Country Man.

@CrazyKittyLvr2 - I totally agree!

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Re: It's A Free Country Man.

Decades ago when I smoked you could do it in restaurants, bars and such.  When they discussed banning it at no time did I pitch a fit or declare it's a free country therefore you can't make me.


I understood why they were doing it.  Big deal, if you really wanted to smoke, go outside to the parking lot or somewhere far away from people.


I used to be very sympathic but some people make it difficult to feel sorry for them


I read an article, I can't remember where, a man in Texas believed it when he was told it was a hoax.  He called it a scamdemic. Used the "free country" agrument and pushed the hoax thing.


He and his partner had a family gathering.  He got sick the next day which probably means he was sick at the party. 14 people got sick including him, his partner, all 4 parents, parents of a new baby etc.


Partner's grandmother died, partner's father was on life support. In the article he went on how guilty he felt. Good. He should feel guilty. If that's mean on my part so be it.  I feel bad for the people they infected and for the elderly woman that died and those that may have long term effects. For him, not on your life.


How did your "I'll show you, you can't make me" attitude work out for you?






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Re: It's A Free Country Man.



We are a democratic republic but civilized countries do have laws to protect others and also to protect us from ourselves sometimes.....


Here's another idiotic example....when it rains heavily here there are certain parts of town that flood, and despite the Transporation Department putting barriers, and the Public Service Announcements urging folks to "turn around don't drown" if a road is flooded"....


But there are still many idiots that go through the barriers and raging waters and their cars get flooded and they end up on the hood of their car or in a tree waiting for the EMT Crew to risk their lives to come rescue the city imposed a $500 fine if you have to be rescued in this situation because you were a fool enough thinking you could drive through, you not only endangered your life but the rescue crew as well ....Personally I think the fine should be more...SMH!!! 



Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Re: It's A Free Country Man.

@Spurt  Yep, how many times have you seen the news where someone was swept away but people still do it.


If I remember correctly a mere foot of water can move a car. Those barriers are there for a reason not decoration.


I don't know how some people make it thru a day alive. Like I said, no sense of self preservation.

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Re: It's A Free Country Man.

@jeanlake wrote:

Up to 11% of people in society are estimated as having oppositional defiance disorder - or ODD. They walk among us. 


Adults with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) display a pattern of negative, hostile, and defiant behavior that lasts at least six months and includes four (or more) of the following symptoms:

  • Often loses temper
  • Often argues with family and coworkers
  • Actively defies or refuses to comply with rules and laws
  • Deliberately annoys people
  • Blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
  • Easily annoyed by others
  • Angry and resentful
  • Spiteful or vindictive

11% is the maximum estimate, but wow -- explains a lot, doesn't it? 

It sounds like some psychologist made it up just to justify their actions....If someone gets told something they don't like, they "act out"....


Its just like kids in school if they "act out" they are immediately diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed medication, when it fact its a behavior problem....and now psychologist fear medication is overprescribed...

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”